
Qing Xu Yang Riyue hebi wuxing lianzhu tu 清徐揚日月合璧五星聯珠圖 (Syzygy of the Sun, Moon, and Five Planets)
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Pingding Yili shouxiang tu 平定伊犂受降圖
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Qing Xie sui zhigong tu (si ) juan 清謝遂職貢圖(四)卷
A picture of this visual image
Qing Xie sui zhigong tu (san) juan 清 謝遂職貢圖(三) 卷
A picture of this visual image
Qing Xie sui zhigong tu (er) juan 清謝遂職貢圖(二)卷
A picture of this visual image
Qing Xie sui zhigong tu (yi) juan 清謝遂職貢圖(一)卷
A picture of this visual image
Ming Lu zhi xianshan yudong tu zhou 明陸治仙山玉洞圖 軸
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Minghua huizhen ce Song Li zhaoqing caizhi xianshou 名畫薈珍 冊 宋厲昭慶採芝獻壽
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Qing Zhang ruocheng hua Ge hong shanju tu zhou 清張若澄畫葛洪山居圖 軸
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Ming Wen jia hua yingzhou xianlu zhou 明文嘉畫瀛洲仙侶 軸
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Ming Wen boren fanghu tu zhou 明文伯仁方壺圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Qing Qianlong xiu yunshan louge zhou 清乾隆繡雲山樓閣 軸
A picture of this visual image
Song Li gonglin xianshan louge zhou 宋李公麟仙山樓閣 軸
A picture of this visual image
Minghui jizhen ce Song Zhao boju xianshan louge 名繪集珍 冊 宋趙伯駒仙山樓閣
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Song Zhao boju xianshan louge juan 宋趙伯駒仙山樓閣 卷
A picture of this visual image
Qinghua xianshan louge wan 青花仙山樓閣碗
A picture of this visual image
Ming Qiu ying hua xianshan louge cheng shan 明仇英畫仙山樓閣 成扇
A picture of this visual image
Diaoke mugai fu Xiesui xianshan louge 雕刻木蓋附謝遂〈仙山樓閣〉
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Falangcai xianshan louge wan 琺瑯彩仙山樓閣碗
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Yu xianshan louge shanzi 玉仙山樓閣山子
A picture of this visual image
Xianshan louge yumo 「仙山樓閣」御墨
A picture of this visual image
Xianshan louge zhumo 「仙山樓閣」硃墨
A picture of this visual image
Qunxian gaohui jing 群仙高會鏡
A picture of this visual image
Ticai qunxian xianshou tu penghe 剔彩群仙獻壽圖捧盒
A picture of this visual image
Qing kesi qunxian zhushou zhou 清緙絲群仙祝壽 軸
A picture of this visual image
Song kesi qunxian xianshou tuzhou 宋緙絲群仙獻壽圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Qing kesi qunxian qingshou tu zhou 清緙絲群仙慶壽圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Qing Zhang kai Liang derun Zhang weiming hehui qunxian zhushou tuzhou 清張愷梁德潤張維明合繪群仙祝壽圖 軸
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Qunxian tu (er) ce Peihang qu Yunying dexian 群仙圖(二)冊 裴航娶雲英得仙
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Qunxian tu (er) ce Xu xuanping rushan xuedao 群仙圖(二)冊 許宣平入山學道
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Qunxian tu (er) ce Tao hongjing maoshan tingsheng 群仙圖(二)冊 陶弘景茅山聽笙
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Qunxian tu (yi ) ce Meifu mudao qiushi 群仙圖(一)冊 梅福慕道求師
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Qunxian tu (yi ) ce Sun simiao jiu jiao dexian 群仙圖(一)冊 孫思邈救蛟得仙
A picture of this visual image
Qunxian tu (yi ) ce Pei yuanren de wulao ci shenshu 群仙圖(一)冊 裴元仁得五老賜神術
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Qunxian tu (yi ) ce An qisheng yuxian 群仙圖(一)冊 安期生遇仙
A picture of this visual image
Qunxian tu (yi ) ce Chisong zi 群仙圖(一)冊 赤松子
A picture of this visual image
Qunxian tu (yi ) ce Laozi guo hanguguan 群仙圖(一)冊 老子過函谷關
A picture of this visual image
Ming Luzhi qunxian gongshou tuzhou 明陸治群仙拱壽圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Yuan Liu guandao qunxian xianshou tuzhou 元劉貫道群仙獻壽圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Qing Shenzhen hua qunxian zhushou juan 清沈貞畫群仙祝壽 卷
A picture of this visual image
Ming Chou Ying qunxian huizhu tuzhou 明仇英群仙會祝圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Ming Chou Ying qunxian gaohui tujuan 明仇英群仙高會圖 卷
A picture of this visual image
Yu qunxian bitong 玉群仙筆筒
A picture of this visual image
Songhua shi qunxian zhushou yan 松花石群仙祝壽硯
A picture of this visual image
Qing Lu Hui sanxing tuzhou 清陸恢三星圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Qing Qianlong kesi sanxing tu song zhou 清乾隆緙絲三星圖頌 軸
A picture of this visual image
Qing wumingshi xiu sanxing tu zhou 清無名氏繡三星圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Wudai xianxiu sanxing tuzhou 五代線繡三星圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Ming Chen Hongshou sanxing tuzhou 明陳洪綬三星圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Qinghua youlihong sanxing biyan hu 青花釉裡紅三星鼻煙壺
A picture of this visual image
Guanyao qinghua fencai sanxing baxian zhangfang ping 官窯 青花粉彩三星八仙長方瓶
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Wucai sanxing huahui wenpan 五彩三星花卉紋盤
A picture of this visual image
Qing Qian Hui'an fulushou zhou 清錢慧安福祿壽 軸
A picture of this visual image
Tongtai huafalang xianren fulushou huapen 銅胎畫琺瑯仙人「福祿壽」花盆
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Tongdujin fulushou niannian ruyi 銅鍍金福祿壽年年如意
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Jingdezhen yao fencai fulushou huluping 景德鎮窯 粉彩福祿壽葫蘆瓶
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Ming Shang Xi fulushou zhou 明商喜福祿壽 軸
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Sancai fulushou sanduopan 三彩福祿壽三多盤
A picture of this visual image
Qing kesi yuzhi sanxingtu song bing gonghui tuzhou 清 緙絲御製三星圖頌並恭繪圖 軸
A picture of this visual image
Qing yuzhi sanxing tu song kesi xiang zhou 清 御製三星圖頌緙絲像 軸
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Qing Qianlong xiusanxing tuzhou 清乾隆 繡三星圖軸
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Baxian qingshou mianzan 八仙慶壽面簪
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Baxiantu xiangmo (siding ) 八仙圖香墨(四錠)
A picture of this visual image
Qing Qian Hui'an baxian qingshou zhou 清錢慧安八仙慶壽軸
A picture of this visual image
Tongdu jin baxian caisheng 銅鍍金八仙采勝
A picture of this visual image
Diaoxiangya baxian duhai bige 雕象牙八仙渡海臂擱
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Ticai baxian qingshou penghe 剔彩八仙慶壽捧盒
A picture of this visual image
Ticai baxian qingshou penghe 剔彩八仙慶壽捧盒
A picture of this visual image
Ticai baxian qingshou penghe 剔彩八仙慶壽捧盒
A picture of this visual image
Ticai baxian qingshou penghe 剔彩八仙慶壽捧盒
A picture of this visual image
Guanyao huangdi lancai baxian qingshou shuanger bianhu 官窯 黃地藍彩八仙慶壽雙耳扁壺
A picture of this visual image
Qinghua baxian qingshouwen bitong 青花八仙慶壽紋筆筒
A picture of this visual image
Qing Qianlong yulin wang xizhi shu yao wenhan hua yu minzhong shu dufu yinzhong baxian ge chengshan 清乾隆御臨王羲之書姚文瀚畫于敏中書杜甫飲中八仙歌 成扇
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Baxian baibao qianmu he 八仙百寶嵌木盒
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Fencai ludi miaojin kaiguang baxian tu fanghe 粉彩綠地描金開光八仙圖方盒
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Ticai baxian renwu shuangceng taohe 剔彩八仙人物雙層套盒
A picture of this visual image
Fencai baxian zhushou tuzun 粉彩八仙祝壽圖尊
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Kesi baxian gongshou zhou 緙絲八仙拱壽軸
A picture of this visual image
Kesi qunxian gongshou tuzhou 緙絲群仙拱壽圖軸
A picture of this visual image
Kesi baxian zhushou zhou 緙絲八仙祝壽軸
A picture of this visual image