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Foreign Records
1) A Record of Yuanmingyuan 圓明園記 (KY00001A)
2) Hypnotic Art and Miscellaneous Forms of Plays 幻術雜戲 (KY00001B)
3) A Record of Drama Perfomances 演戲記 (KY00001C)
4) An Entry on the Fourteenth Day of the First Month in the Year jichou (1769)(己丑正月)十四日 (KY00001D)
5) An Entry on the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Year jichou (1769) (己丑正月)十五日 (KY00001E)
6) An Entry on the Nineteenth Day of the First Month in the Year jichou (1769) (己丑正月)十九日 (KY00001F)
7) An Entry on the Twelveth Day mouwu 十二日戊午 (KY00002A)
8) A Record of Drama Titles 戲本名目記 (KY00002B)
9) A Record of the Spring Lantern of Ten Thousand Years 萬年春燈記 (KY00002C)
10) Jottings of Ilsin 馹汛隨筆 (KY00002D)
11) The Stage 戱臺 (KY00002E)
12) Records Recorded by the Pillars within the Pass 關內程史 (KY00002F)
13) A Poem to Thank the Grace of the Emperor for the Feast in the Northern Embassy 賜宴北館賦感皇恩 (KY00003A)
14) An Entry on the Ninth Month in the Year jiayin (1614) 甲寅九月 (KY00003B)
15) Heard that the Emperor is Hosting a Performance 聞皇帝設戲 (KY00004A)
16) Chanting a Poem on after Arriving Jizhou 到薊州觀戲子口占 (KY00004B)
17) Some Hu People Uses Monkey for their Performances 胡人有以猢猻作戲者 (KY00004C)
18) An Entry on the Fifth Month of the Year xinchou (1721) 辛丑五月 (KY00005A)
19) An Entry on the Seventeenth Day while Staying in the Embassy 十七日,晴,留館 (KY00006A)
20) An Entry on the Thirteenth Day (dingmao) while Staying in the Embassy 十三日丁卯,留館 (KY00007A)
21) An Entry on the Twenty-Second Day (bingzi) while Staying in the Embassy 二十二日丙子,留館 (KY00007B)
22) An Entry on the Third Day 初三日,晴 (KY00008A)
23) An Entry on the Eleventh Day 十一日,陰 (KY00008B)
24) An Entry on the Twenty-Second Day 二十二日,小雪,晴 (KY00008C)
25) An Entry on the Twenty-Ninth Day 二十九日,晴 (KY00008D)
26) The River Confluence Inn 兩水河店 (KY00009A)
27) Miscellaneous Quatrains on Yanjing 燕京雜絕 (KY00010A)
28) Three Poems on the Plays at Court 詠宮戲三首 (KY00011A)
29) Four Poems on the Lantern Performance at Yuanmingyuan 園明圓燈戲 (KY00011B)
30) Hye-bo Returns from Rehe 惠甫自熱河還 (KY00011C)
31) Sending off Junxian to Yanjing 送君憲入燕京 (KY00011D)
32) Annotated Poems by Ryu Hye-pʻung in Rehe 柳惠風熱河詩注 (KY00012A)
33) Banquet at Shenyang 瀋陽宴會 (KY00012B)
34) Probity, Peace, and the Five Fortunes: A Drama 淸平五福戱 (KY00013A)
35) Dancing Dragons Show 耍龍戱 (KY00013B)
36) The Ethnic Miao Drama 苗子戱 (KY00013C)
37) The General’s Command 將軍令 (KY00013D)
38) The Preceeding Plays are all Artistically Indulgent and Fraught with Suspense 右諸戱皆淫巧哤詭 (KY00013E)
39) A Backflip Show 跟㪷戱 (KY00013F)
40) An Entry on the Thirtieth Day of the Twelfth Month of the Year xinhai 辛亥年十二月三十日 (KY00014A)
41) An Entry on the Thirteenth Day of the First Month of the Year renzi 壬子年正月十三日 (KY00014B)
42) An Entry on the Nineteenth Day of the First Month of the Year renzi 壬子年正月十九日 (KY00014C)
43) An Entry on the Eighth Day of the First Month of the Year renzi (壬子年正月)初八日 (KY00014D)
44) An Entry on the Seventeenth Day (wuzi); Staying at the Jade River Hall; Watching Frolicking Apes 二十七日戊子,晴,玉河館留,觀戲猿 (KY00015A)
45) An Entry on the Thirteenth Day (of the First Month) (正月)十三日 (KY00015B)
46) An Entry on the Fourteenth Day (of the First Month of Year jiazi); A Visit to the Old Summer Palace (1804) (甲子正月)十四日,陰灑雪,圓明園留 (KY00015C)
47) An Entry on the Fifteenth Day (of the First Month of Year jiazi); A Visit to the Old Summer Palace (1804) (甲子正月)十五,乍陰風,圓明園留 (KY00015D)
48) (Appendix) Official Duties (附錄)公役 (KY00015E)
49) An Entry on the Twelfth Day (of the First Month of the Year jiazi (1804)) (甲子正月)十二日 (KY00015F)
50) The Knitting Ripple Bridge 繡漪橋 (KY00015G)
51) An Entry on the First Day of the First Month of Year kuisi (1833) Staying at the Inn 癸巳年正月初一日,晴,留館 (KY00016A)
52) Record of a Play 場戲記 (KY00016B)
53) A Record of Numerous Play Scripts 諸戲本記 (KY00016C)
54) A Record of the Lamp Performance in the High Mountain Long River Tower 山高水長閣燈戱記 (KY00016D)
55) An Entry on the Fourteenth Day (of the First Month of Year kuisi (1833)) (癸巳正月)十四日 (KY00016E)
56) A Record of Lamps at the Dumplings Festival 元宵燈火記 (KY00016F)
57) A Record of Paper Cannons 紙砲記 (KY00016G)
58) A Record of the Many Sights of the Western Garden 西苑諸勝記 (KY00016H)
59) An Entry on the Third Day of the New Year 初三日 (KY00017A)
60) An Entry on the Twentieth Day 二十日 (KY00017B)
61) Lantern Display at the Old Summer Palace 圓明園燈戲 (KY00018A)
62) Crack Troops of the Inner Precinct 內廂勁旅 (KY00019A)
63) Lamp Display at the Old Summer Palace (Twelve Poems) 圓明園燈戱(十二首) (KY00019B)
64) Boats Painted with Dragon Heads 龍頭畫舸 (KY00019C)
65) Fantasy Drama Banquet 幻戲宴 (KY00019D)
66) Miscellaneous Verses on Yanjing 燕都雜詠 (KY00020A)
67) Twelve Rhymes on the Lantern Festival Displays 元宵燈戲二十韻 (KY00021A)
68) Roaming West Mountain on the Nineteenth Day (III) 十九日游西山(其三) (KY00022A)
69) Roaming West Mountain on the Nineteenth Day (IV) 十九日游西山(其四) (KY00022B)
70) Roaming West Mountain on the Nineteenth Day (V) 十九日游西山(其五) (KY00022C)
71) The Old Summer Palace 圓明園 (KY00023A)
72) The Drama Troupe 戲班 (KY00023B)
73) A Sketch of Young Actors and Actresses on Horseback 觀戲子及女胡馳馬。漫述 (KY00024A)
74) Sailing within the Eastern Gate; Entering the Communal Pleasure Garden; Composing Poetry at a Banquet 東樓門內泛舟。入同樂園。趁宴筵作 (KY00025A)
75) A Drama Staged in the Yuanmingyuan 圓明園扮戱 (KY00026A)
76) Putting on a Play 扮戲 (KY00026B)
77) Watching a Lantern Play at the High Mountain Long River Tower 山高水長閣觀燈戲 (KY00027A)
78) Preface to the Catalogue of the New Sounds of a Flourishing World 《盛世新聲目錄》序 (KY00028A)
79) A Later Record of the “Playing Water Painting” 《水嬉圖》後記 (KY00028B)
80) An Official Reception 下馬宴 (KY00029A)
81) An Entry on the Twenty-first Day (of the Second Month) (二月)二十一日 (KY00029B)
82) An Entry on the Twenty-ninth Day (of the Second Month) (二月)二十九日 (KY00029C)
83) An Entry on the Second Day (of the Third Month) (三月)初二日 (KY00029D)
84) An Entry on the Sixteenth Day (dingsi) of the Eighth Month (八月)十六日丁巳 (KY00030A)
85) An Entry on the Twenty-seventh Day (gengwu) 二十七日庚午 (KY00030B)
86) An Official Reception at the Meeting Hall 會同館賜下馬宴 (KY00031A)
87) An Entry on the Twelfth Day (yichou) of the Seventh Month (七月)十二日己丑 (KY00032A)
88) An Entry on the Sixth Day (renwu) of the Ninth Month (九月)初六日壬午 (KY00032B)
89) Record of a Play 場戲 (KY00033A)
90) An Entry on the Third Day (bingzi) 十三日丙子 (KY00034A)
91) An Entry on the Fourteenth Day (dingchou) 十四日丁丑 (KY00034B)
92) An Entry on the Sixteenth Day (jiawu) of the Seventh Month (七月)十六日甲午 (KY00035A)
93) An Entry on the First Day (yiyou) of the Eighth Month (八月)一日乙酉 (KY00035B)
94) An Entry on the Seventeenth Day (yiwei) of the Seventh Month (七月)十七日乙未 (KY00035C)
95) An Entry on the Eighteenth Day (bingshen) 十八日丙申 (KY00035D)
96) An Entry on the Nineteenth Day (dingyou) 十九日丁酉 (KY00035E)
97) An Entry on the Second Day (gengxu) of the Eighth Month (八月)二日庚戌 (KY00035F)
98) An Entry on the Third Day (xinhai) 三日辛亥 (KY00035G)
99) An Entry on the Fourth Day (renzi) 四日壬子 (KY00035H)
100) An Entry on the Fifth Day (kuichou) 五日癸丑 (KY00035I)
101) An Entry on the Sixth Day (jiayin) 六日甲寅 (KY00035J)
102) An Entry on the Tenth Day (wuwu) 十日戊午 (KY00035K)
103) An Entry on the Thirteenth Day (xinyou) 十三日辛酉 (KY00035L)
104) An Entry on the Nineteenth Day (dingmao) 十九日丁卯 (KY00035M)
105) An Entry on the Twentieth Day (wuchen) 二十日戊辰 (KY00035N)
106) An Entry on the Sixth Day (of the Eleventh Month) (十一月)六日 (KY00036A)
107) An Entry on the Twenty-third Day (yisi) 二十三日乙巳 (KY00037A)
108) An Entry from the Fourth Month of the Year dinghai (丁亥四月) (KY00038A)
109) An Entry on the Ninth Day (初九日) (KY00039A)
110) Verses on a New Year Play: The Next Ocean’s Moon 次海月迎春戱韻 (KY00039B)
111) An Entry on the Ninth Day (gengyin) of the First Month of the Year yihai (1599) (己亥正月)初九日庚寅 (KY00040A)
112) An Entry on the Eighteenth Day (yihai) 十八日己亥 (KY00040B)
113) An Entry on the Third Day (of the Second Month of Year jiazi (1624)) (甲子二月)初三日 (KY00041A)
114) An Entry on the Sixteenth Day (yichou) of the Twelfth Month of the Year renchen (1712) (壬辰十二月)十六日乙丑 (KY00042A)
115) An Entry on the Seventeenth Day (bingyin) of the Twelfth Month of the Year renchen (1712) (壬辰十二月)十七日丙寅 (KY00042B)
116) An Entry on the Nineteenth Day (dingmao) of the Second Month of the Year kuisi (1713) (癸巳二月)十九日丁卯 (KY00042C)
117) An Entry on the Twenty-first Day (yisi) of the Second Month of the Year kuisi (1713) (癸巳二月)二十一日己巳 (KY00042D)
118) An Entry on the Twenty-Ninth Day (dingchou) of the Second Month of the Year kuisi (1713) (癸巳二月)二十九日丁丑 (KY00042E)
119) An Entry on the Eighth Day of the Seventh Month of the Year gengzi (1720) 庚子七月初八日 (KY00043A)
120) An Entry on the Twenty-fourth Day (of the Fourth month of the Second year of the Chŏngjo reign period) (1778) (正祖二年四月)二十四日 (KY00044A)
121) An Entry on the Twenty-third Day (of the Sixth Month of the Second Year of the Chŏngjo reign period) (1778) (正祖二年六月)二十三日 (KY00044B)
122) An Entry on the Seventh Day (jiaxu) of the Eighth Month (八月)初七日甲戌 (KY00045A)
123) An Entry on the Seventeenth Day of the Ninth Month of the Year gengzi (1780) 庚子九月十七日 (KY00046A)
124) An Entry on the Seventeenth Day of the Tenth Month of the Fourth year of the Chŏngjo reign period (1782) 正祖四年十月十七日 (KY00046B)
125) An Entry on the Twenty-seventh Day of the Tenth month of the Fourth year of the Chŏngjo reign period (1782) 正祖四年十月二十七日 (KY00046C)
126) An Entry on the Fifth Day of the Eleventh Month of the Year gengzi (1780) 庚子十一月初五日 (KY00046D)
127) An Entry on the Fifteenth Day of the Twelfth Month of the Ninth Year of the Sunjo reign period (1809) 純祖九年十二月十五日 (KY00046E)
128) An Entry on the Twenty-eighth Day of the Fourth Month of the Fifth year of the Kojong reign period (1869) 高宗五年四月二十八日 (KY00046F)
129) An Entry on the Thirteenth Day (xinsi) of the Sixth Month (六月)十三日辛巳 (KY00047A)
130) An Entry on the Fourth Day (renyin) of the Seventh Month (七月)初四日壬寅 (KY00047B)
131) An Appendix on Customs, Laws, Rites, Music 風俗。法令。禮節。音樂附 (KY00047C)
132) Watching plays by actors outside the Zhengyang Gate on the 4th day of the month [12 Feb 1766] 初四日去正陽門外看戲子戲 (KY00048)