Watching plays by actors outside the Zhengyang Gate on the 4th day of the month [12 Feb 1766] 初四日去正陽門外看戲子戲

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Watching plays by actors outside the Zhengyang Gate on the 4th day of the month [12 Feb 1766] 初四日去正陽門外看戲子戲
초사일 정양문 밖에 가 희자 놀음 보다
Cho-sa-il Jeong-yang-mun batgui ga Huija no-reum Boda
Jungse hangugeo 
Hong Tae-yong (洪大容) (1731-1783.0)
Tamhŏnyŏn'gi 湛軒燕記 [Ŭlbyŏng yŏnhaengnok 乙丙燕行錄]
4:11-16 [6:008-024]
6 volumes; housed in Gyujanggak Library of Seoul National University
The content of this record is broadly identical to KY00033A, but written in Korean and containing more details. Hong wrote this record for his mother.
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[This excerpt is not transcribed. Please refer to the image or the link