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Foreign Records
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(Appendix) Official Duties (附錄)公役 (KY00015E)
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Hae-ŭng (李海應) (1775-1825) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
A Backflip Show 跟㪷戱 (KY00013F)
A Korean foreign record written by Chŏng Chon-kyŏm (鄭存謙) (1722-1794) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 0 images.
A Description of China. 1 (WE00001A)
A Western foreign record written by John Green (?-1754) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
A Description of China. 2 (WE00001B)
A Western foreign record written by John Green (?-1754) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 3 images.
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Collection in London (WE00003A)
A Western foreign record written by William B. Langdon in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Collection in Philadephia (WE00002A)
A Western foreign record written by Nathan Dunn (1782-1844) in English. Published in Philadelphia, U.S.. Contains 2 images.
A Drama Staged in the Yuanmingyuan 圓明園扮戱 (KY00026A)
A Korean foreign record written by Yu Tŭk-kong (柳得恭) (1748-1807) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
A Faithful Account of a Play Performed at a Banquet in the Garden of Shared...
A Vietnamese foreign record written by Trương Hảo Hợp (張好合) (1795-1831) in Chữ Hán. Published in Shanghai. Contains 0 images.
A Faithful Account of Watching a Play and Enjoying a Refined Meal 看戲再奉賜珍膳恭紀 (VY00003B)
A Vietnamese foreign record written by Phan Huy Chú (潘輝注) (1782-1840) in Chữ Hán. Published in Shanghai. Contains 0 images.
A General Description of China. 1 (WE00004A)
A Western foreign record written by Jean-Baptiste Grosier (1743-1823) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
A General Description of China. 2 (WE00004B)
A Western foreign record written by Jean-Baptiste Grosier (1743-1823) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
A Joyful Rhapsody after Retiring from Court 朝罷喜賦 (VY00002A)
A Vietnamese foreign record written by Nguyễn Đề (阮偍) (1761-1805) in Chữ Hán. Published in Shanghai. Contains 0 images.
A Later Record of the “Playing Water Painting” 《水嬉圖》後記 (KY00028B)
A Korean foreign record written by Hwang Kyŏng-wŏn (黃景源) (1709-1787) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
A Modern History of the Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Persians, Turks, Russians, & c....
A Western foreign record written by François-Marie de Marsy (1714-1763) in French. Published in Paris, France. Contains 6 images.
A Narrative of an Exploratory Visit (WE00006A)
A Western foreign record written by George Smith (1815-1871) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
A Narrative of the British Embassy to China. 1 (WE00007A)
A Western foreign record written by Aeneas Anderson in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
A Narrative of the British Embassy to China. 2 (WE00007B)
A Western foreign record written by Aeneas Anderson in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 3 images.
A New Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Siam. (WE00008A)
A Western foreign record written by Simon de la Loubère (1642-1729) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 1 image.
A Poem to Thank the Grace of the Emperor for the Feast in the Northern Embassy 賜宴北館賦感皇恩...
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chung-chʻŏng (金中清) (1567-1629) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
A Record of Attending a Banquet in the Summer Palace 圓明園侍宴紀事 (VY00001A)
A Vietnamese foreign record written by Phan Huy Ích (潘輝益) (1751-1822) in Chữ Hán. Published in Shanghai. Contains 0 images.
A Record of Attending a Play 奉侍看戲記事 (VY00003A)
A Vietnamese foreign record written by Phan Huy Chú (潘輝注) (1782-1840) in Chữ Hán. Published in Shanghai. Contains 0 images.
A Record of Drama Perfomances 演戲記 (KY00001C)
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Sa-ho (朴思浩) (1784-1854) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 4 images.
A Record of Drama Titles 戲本名目記 (KY00002B)
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Chi-wŏn (朴趾源) (1737-1805) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 5 images.
A Record of Lamps at the Dumplings Festival 元宵燈火記 (KY00016F)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Kyŏng-sŏn (金景善) (1788-1853) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
A Record of Numerous Play Scripts 諸戲本記 (KY00016C)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Kyŏng-sŏn (金景善) (1788-1853) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
A Record of Paper Cannons 紙砲記 (KY00016G)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Kyŏng-sŏn (金景善) (1788-1853) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
A Record of the Lamp Performance in the High Mountain Long River Tower 山高水長閣燈戱記 (KY00016D)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Kyŏng-sŏn (金景善) (1788-1853) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 9 images.
A Record of the Many Sights of the Western Garden 西苑諸勝記 (KY00016H)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Kyŏng-sŏn (金景善) (1788-1853) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
A Record of the Spring Lantern of Ten Thousand Years 萬年春燈記 (KY00002C)
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Chi-wŏn (朴趾源) (1737-1805) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
A Record of Yuanmingyuan 圓明園記 (KY00001A)
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Sa-ho (朴思浩) (1784-1854) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
A Report of December 22nd 1837 道光十七年十二月二十日禀 (VY00007)
A Vietnamese foreign record written by Phạm Thế Trung (范世忠) (1761-1845) in Chữ Hán. Published in Shanghai. Contains 0 images.
A Sketch of Young Actors and Actresses on Horseback 觀戲子及女胡馳馬。漫述 (KY00024A)
A Korean foreign record written by Chʻoe Sŏk-chŏng (崔錫鼎) (1646-1715) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
A Three Year Journey to China 1 (WD00001A)
A Western foreign record written by Evert Ysbrants Ides (1657-1708) in Dutch. Published in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Contains 2 images.
A Three Year Journey to China 2 (WD00001B)
A Western foreign record written by Evert Ysbrants Ides (1657-1708) in Dutch. Published in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Contains 2 images.
A Voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748. 1 (WE00009A)
A Western foreign record written by Charles Frederick Noble in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
A Voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748. 2 (WE00009B)
A Western foreign record written by Charles Frederick Noble in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 10 images.
An Account of the Empire of China (WE00043A)
A Western foreign record written by Domingo Fernández de Navarrete (1610-1689) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
An Appendix on Customs, Laws, Rites, Music 風俗。法令。禮節。音樂附 (KY00047C)
A Korean foreign record in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain. 1 (WE00010A)
A Western foreign record written by George Leonard Staunton (1737-1801) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 3 images.
An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain. 2 (WE00010B)
A Western foreign record written by George Leonard Staunton (1737-1801) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 3 images.
An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain. 3 (WE00010C)
A Western foreign record written by George Leonard Staunton (1737-1801) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 3 images.
An Authentic Account of the Embassy of the Dutch East-India Company. 1 (WE00011A)
A Western foreign record written by André Everard Van Braam Houckgeest (1739-1801) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 6 images.
An Authentic Account of the Embassy of the Dutch East-India Company. 2 (WE00011B)
A Western foreign record written by André Everard Van Braam Houckgeest (1739-1801) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
An Authentic Account of the Embassy of the Dutch East-India Company. 3 (WE00011C)
A Western foreign record written by André Everard Van Braam Houckgeest (1739-1801) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 3 images.
An Entry from the Fourth Month of the Year dinghai (丁亥四月) (KY00038A)
A Korean foreign record written by Pae Sa-mik (裵三益) (1534-1588) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Eighteenth Day (bingshen) 十八日丙申 (KY00035D)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
An Entry on the Eighteenth Day (yihai) 十八日己亥 (KY00040B)
A Korean foreign record written by Hwang Yŏ-il (黃汝一) (1556-1622) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Eighth Day of the First Month of the Year renzi (壬子年正月)初八日 (KY00014D)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chŏng-jung (金正中) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Eighth Day of the Seventh Month of the Year gengzi (1720) 庚子七月初八日...
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Ŭi-hyŏn (李宜顯) (1669-1745) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
An Entry on the Eleventh Day 十一日,陰 (KY00008B)
A Korean foreign record written by Hong Chʻang-han (洪昌漢) (1698) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Fifteenth Day (of the First Month of Year jiazi); A Visit to the Old...
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Hae-ŭng (李海應) (1775-1825) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Fifteenth Day of the First Month in the Year jichou (1769) (己丑正月)十五日...
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Sa-ho (朴思浩) (1784-1854) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Fifteenth Day of the Twelfth Month of the Ninth Year of the Sunjo reign...
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Myŏng-wŏn (朴明源) (1725-1790) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 5 images.
An Entry on the Fifth Day (kuichou) 五日癸丑 (KY00035I)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Fifth Day of the Eleventh Month of the Year gengzi (1780) 庚子十一月初五日...
A Korean foreign record written by Cho Chŏng-chin (趙鼎鎭) (1732-1792) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Fifth Month of the Year xinchou (1721) 辛丑五月 (KY00005A)
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Chŏng-sin (李正臣) (1660-1727) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the First Day (yiyou) of the Eighth Month (八月)一日乙酉 (KY00035B)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 4 images.
An Entry on the First Day of the First Month of Year kuisi (1833) Staying at the Inn...
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Kyŏng-sŏn (金景善) (1788-1853) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Fourteenth Day (dingchou) 十四日丁丑 (KY00034B)
A Korean foreign record written by Yu Ŏn-ho (俞彥鎬) (1730-1796) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Fourteenth Day (of the First Month of Year jiazi); A Visit to the Old...
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Hae-ŭng (李海應) (1775-1825) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
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