A Voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748. 1

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A Voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748. 1
A voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748: Containing an account of the islands of St. Helena and Java. Of the city of Batavia. ... Of the empire of China, with a particular description of Canton
Charles Frederick Noble
London: Printed, and sold by all the booksellers
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On the 30th, being his Majesty Birthday, all the English, Danish and
Dutch ships in the river, fired each 21 guns. At the old English factory
at Canton, the colours, of the rickest silk, were displayed all day,
and, in the evening, a most magnificent entertainment was made for the
principal English, Dutch, and Danish officers, who all came, as is
customary on such occasions, in their most elegant dresses. After
supper, which, for the variety, and the singular manner in which it was
served up, exceeded any thing I had ever seen of the kind; there were
exhibited many curious fire-works after the Chinese manner. Likewise a
Chinese play was acted, which gave great satisfaction; after which, a
farce by some Europeans. But so different is the Chinese taste from
ours, that, on exhibiting their farce, all the grand Chinese merchants
left the company, and went home.