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Foreign Records
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An Entry on the Fourteenth Day (of the First Month of Year kuisi (1833)) (癸巳正月)十四日...
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Kyŏng-sŏn (金景善) (1788-1853.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Fourteenth Day of the First Month in the Year jichou (1769)(己丑正月)十四日...
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Sa-ho (朴思浩) (1784-1854.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Fourth Day (renyin) of the Seventh Month (七月)初四日壬寅 (KY00047B)
A Korean foreign record in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Fourth Day (renzi) 四日壬子 (KY00035H)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Nineteenth Day (dingmao) of the Second Month of the Year kuisi (1713)...
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chʻang-ŏp (金昌業) (1658-1722.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Nineteenth Day (dingmao) 十九日丁卯 (KY00035M)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Nineteenth Day (dingyou) 十九日丁酉 (KY00035E)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Nineteenth Day of the First Month in the Year jichou (1769) (己丑正月)十九日...
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Sa-ho (朴思浩) (1784-1854.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Nineteenth Day of the First Month of the Year renzi 壬子年正月十九日 (KY00014C)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chŏng-jung (金正中) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Ninth Day (gengyin) of the First Month of the Year yihai (1599)...
A Korean foreign record written by Hwang Yŏ-il (黃汝一) (1556-1622.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Ninth Day (初九日) (KY00039A)
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Hang-bok (李恒福) (1556-1618.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Ninth Month in the Year jiayin (1614) 甲寅九月 (KY00003B)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chung-chʻŏng (金中清) (1567-1629.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Second Day (gengxu) of the Eighth Month (八月)二日庚戌 (KY00035F)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Second Day (of the Third Month) (三月)初二日 (KY00029D)
A Korean foreign record written by Chʻoe Tŏk-chung (崔德中) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Seventeenth Day (bingyin) of the Twelfth Month of the Year renchen...
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chʻang-ŏp (金昌業) (1658-1722.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Seventeenth Day (wuzi); Staying at the Jade River Hall; Watching...
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Hae-ŭng (李海應) (1775-1825.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 4 images.
An Entry on the Seventeenth Day (yiwei) of the Seventh Month (七月)十七日乙未 (KY00035C)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
An Entry on the Seventeenth Day of the Ninth Month of the Year gengzi (1780) 庚子九月十七日...
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Myŏng-wŏn (朴明源) (1725-1790.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Seventeenth Day of the Tenth Month of the Fourth year of the Chŏngjo...
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Myŏng-wŏn (朴明源) (1725-1790.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Seventeenth Day while Staying in the Embassy 十七日,晴,留館 (KY00006A)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Sun-hyŏp (金舜協) (1693-1732.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
An Entry on the Seventh Day (jiaxu) of the Eighth Month (八月)初七日甲戌 (KY00045A)
A Korean foreign record in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 0 images.
An Entry on the Sixteenth Day (dingsi) of the Eighth Month (八月)十六日丁巳 (KY00030A)
A Korean foreign record written by Hŏ Pong (許篈) (1551-1588.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Sixteenth Day (jiawu) of the Seventh Month (七月)十六日甲午 (KY00035A)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 7 images.
An Entry on the Sixteenth Day (yichou) of the Twelfth Month of the Year renchen (1712)...
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chʻang-ŏp (金昌業) (1658-1722.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 5 images.
An Entry on the Sixth Day (jiayin) 六日甲寅 (KY00035J)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Sixth Day (of the Eleventh Month) (十一月)六日 (KY00036A)
A Korean foreign record written by Kwŏn Pal (權撥) (1478-1548.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Sixth Day (renwu) of the Ninth Month (九月)初六日壬午 (KY00032B)
A Korean foreign record written by Chŏng Hwan (丁煥) (1497-1540.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Tenth Day (wuwu) 十日戊午 (KY00035K)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
An Entry on the Third Day (bingzi) 十三日丙子 (KY00034A)
A Korean foreign record written by Yu Ŏn-ho (俞彥鎬) (1730-1796.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Third Day (of the Second Month of Year jiazi (1624)) (甲子二月)初三日 (KY00041A)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Yŏng-jo (金榮祖) (1577-1648.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
An Entry on the Third Day (xinhai) 三日辛亥 (KY00035G)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Third Day of the New Year 初三日 (KY00017A)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Kyŏng-sun (徐慶淳) (1804) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Third Day 初三日,晴 (KY00008A)
A Korean foreign record written by Hong Chʻang-han (洪昌漢) (1698) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Thirteenth Day (dingmao) while Staying in the Embassy 十三日丁卯,留館 (KY00007A)
A Korean foreign record written by Han Tŏk-hu (韓德厚) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Thirteenth Day (of the First Month) (正月)十三日 (KY00015B)
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Hae-ŭng (李海應) (1775-1825.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Thirteenth Day (xinsi) of the Sixth Month (六月)十三日辛巳 (KY00047A)
A Korean foreign record in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Thirteenth Day (xinyou) 十三日辛酉 (KY00035L)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
An Entry on the Thirteenth Day of the First Month of the Year renzi 壬子年正月十三日 (KY00014B)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chŏng-jung (金正中) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
An Entry on the Thirtieth Day of the Twelfth Month of the Year xinhai 辛亥年十二月三十日 (KY00014A)
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chŏng-jung (金正中) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Twelfth Day (of the First Month of the Year jiazi (1804)) (甲子正月)十二日...
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Hae-ŭng (李海應) (1775-1825.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Twelfth Day (yichou) of the Seventh Month (七月)十二日己丑 (KY00032A)
A Korean foreign record written by Chŏng Hwan (丁煥) (1497-1540.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Twelveth Day mouwu 十二日戊午 (KY00002A)
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Chi-wŏn (朴趾源) (1737-1805.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Twentieth Day (wuchen) 二十日戊辰 (KY00035N)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Ho-su (徐浩修) (1736-1799.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 7 images.
An Entry on the Twentieth Day 二十日 (KY00017B)
A Korean foreign record written by Sŏ Kyŏng-sun (徐慶淳) (1804) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 3 images.
An Entry on the Twenty-eighth Day of the Fourth Month of the Fifth year of the Kojong...
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Myŏng-wŏn (朴明源) (1725-1790.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 6 images.
An Entry on the Twenty-first Day (of the Second Month) (二月)二十一日 (KY00029B)
A Korean foreign record written by Chʻoe Tŏk-chung (崔德中) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Twenty-first Day (yisi) of the Second Month of the Year kuisi (1713)...
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chʻang-ŏp (金昌業) (1658-1722.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 7 images.
An Entry on the Twenty-fourth Day (of the Fourth month of the Second year of the...
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Tŏng-mu (李德懋) (1741-1793.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 0 images.
An Entry on the Twenty-Ninth Day (dingchou) of the Second Month of the Year kuisi...
A Korean foreign record written by Kim Chʻang-ŏp (金昌業) (1658-1722.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Twenty-ninth Day (of the Second Month) (二月)二十九日 (KY00029C)
A Korean foreign record written by Chʻoe Tŏk-chung (崔德中) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Twenty-Ninth Day 二十九日,晴 (KY00008D)
A Korean foreign record written by Hong Chʻang-han (洪昌漢) (1698) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Twenty-Second Day (bingzi) while Staying in the Embassy 二十二日丙子,留館...
A Korean foreign record written by Han Tŏk-hu (韓德厚) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Twenty-Second Day 二十二日,小雪,晴 (KY00008C)
A Korean foreign record written by Hong Chʻang-han (洪昌漢) (1698) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Entry on the Twenty-seventh Day (gengwu) 二十七日庚午 (KY00030B)
A Korean foreign record written by Hŏ Pong (許篈) (1551-1588.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Twenty-seventh Day of the Tenth month of the Fourth year of the Chŏngjo...
A Korean foreign record written by Pak Myŏng-wŏn (朴明源) (1725-1790.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 2 images.
An Entry on the Twenty-third Day (of the Sixth Month of the Second Year of the Chŏngjo...
A Korean foreign record written by Yi Tŏng-mu (李德懋) (1741-1793.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 0 images.
An Entry on the Twenty-third Day (yisi) 二十三日乙巳 (KY00037A)
A Korean foreign record written by Hŏ Chin-dong (許震童) (1525-1610.0) in Hanja. Published in Korea. Contains 1 image.
An Historical and Descriptive Account of China (WE00012A)
A Western foreign record written by Hugh Murray (1779-1846.0) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 9 images.
An Historical, Geographical, and Philosophical View of the Chinese Empire. 1 (WE00013A)
A Western foreign record written by William Winterbotham (1763-1829.0) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 3 images.
An Historical, Geographical, and Philosophical View of the Chinese Empire. 2 (WE00013B)
A Western foreign record written by William Winterbotham (1763-1829.0) in English. Published in London, Great Britain. Contains 2 images.
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