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All Series
TEXTCOURT Extended Database
TEXTCOURT Core Database
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Qing Dynasty
Ming Dynasty
Q00106 (Niannian kangtai 年年康泰): Healthy and Safe, Year after Year
1 script, 0 collections, and 25 entities.
Q00107 (Nichang xianwu 霓裳獻舞): A Dance in Glowing Dresses
1 script, 0 collections, and 14 entities.
Q00526 (Pantao chushou 蟠桃初熟): The Coiled Peach is Just Ripe
1 script, 1 collection, and 32 entities.
Q00108 (Pantao shangshou 蟠桃上壽): The Life-Lengthening Coiled Peach
1 script, 0 collections, and 12 entities.
Q00355 (Pihu taowei 羆虎韜威): The Bear and Tiger Conceal their Strength
1 script, 1 collection, and 15 entities.
Q00109 (Ping’an ruyi 平安如意): Peace, As You Like It
1 script, 0 collections, and 14 entities.
Q00110 (Qianchun yanxi 千春燕喜): The Thousand Spring Banquet
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 18 entities.
Q00322 (Qianqiu haiyan 千秋海晏): Calm Seas for a Thousand Autumns
3 scripts, 3 collections, and 93 entities.
Q00111 (Qianxian bufu 遣仙佈福): The Immortals are Dispatched to Spread Good Fortune
1 script, 0 collections, and 18 entities.
Q00556 (Qifu baiyun 齊赴白雲): Heading for the White Clouds Together
1 script, 1 collection, and 37 entities.
M0014 (Qing dongzhi gongxiang taipingyan 慶冬至共享太平宴): Celebrating the Winter Solstice,...
1 script, 0 collections, and 100 entities.
M0016 (Qing fengnian wugui nao Zhong Kui 慶豐年五鬼鬧鍾馗 ): Five Ghosts Disturb Zhong Kui on a...
1 script, 0 collections, and 105 entities.
M0015 (Qing qianqiu Jinmu he yannian 慶千秋金母賀延年 ): Celebrating the Imperial Birthday, the...
1 script, 0 collections, and 91 entities.
Q00596 (Qinghe chuxi 慶賀除夕 ): Celebrating New Year's Eve
1 script, 1 collection, and 17 entities.
Q00112 (Qinghu jiahua 青湖佳話): Anecdotes about Qinghu
1 script, 1 collection, and 44 entities.
Q00541 (Qingli xianyi 青藜顯異): An Unusual Appearance with a Tree Spinach Staff
1 script, 1 collection, and 16 entities.
Q00113 (Qingniu dujia 青牛獨駕): Riding the Black Bull Alone
1 script, 0 collections, and 9 entities.
Q00059 (Qingping jianxi 清平見喜): Joy at Peace and Serenity
1 script, 0 collections, and 21 entities.
Q00368 (Qingzhu wujiang 慶祝無疆): Boundless Greetings
1 script, 1 collection, and 14 entities.
Q00407 (Qirui xiangtan 奇瑞相談): A Conversation about the Strange and Auspicious
1 script, 1 collection, and 15 entities.
Q00569 (Qixian shangxue 七賢賞雪 ): The Seven Sages Admire the Snow
1 script, 1 collection, and 30 entities.
Q00116 (Qixiang baozhang 七襄報章): The Seven Stiches of the Seamstress Star
1 script, 0 collections, and 6 entities.
Q00117 (Qiyao hui dongyuan 七曜會東垣): A Meeting of the Seven Luminaries at the Eastern Wall
1 script, 0 collections, and 27 entities.
Q00237 (Quanshan jinke 勸善金科): The Law of Doing Good
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 143 entities.
Q00558 (Qunqing aidai 羣情愛戴): Affection All Around
1 script, 1 collection, and 14 entities.
Q00561 (Qunxian dushi 羣仙度世 ): The Many Immortals Redeem the People of the World
1 script, 1 collection, and 37 entities.
Q00118 (Qunxian fuhui 羣仙赴會): The Many Immortals Attend the Banquet
1 script, 0 collections, and 24 entities.
Q00119 (Qunxian qinghe 羣仙慶賀): The Many Immortals Express Congratulations
1 script, 0 collections, and 49 entities.
Q00519 (Qunxian zhufu 群仙祝福): The Many Immortals Wish for Good Fortune
1 script, 1 collection, and 16 entities.
Q00120 (Qunxian zhushou 羣仙祝夀): The Many Immortals Give Birthday Wishes
1 script, 1 collection, and 60 entities.
Q00392 (Qunxing baihe 羣星拜賀): A Congratulatory Visit from the Many Stars
1 script, 1 collection, and 28 entities.
Q00121 (Qunxing gonghu 羣星拱護): Protected by the Many Stars
1 script, 0 collections, and 18 entities.
Q00122 (Quxie yingjie 祛邪應節): Exorcising Evil Before the Festivities
1 script, 0 collections, and 18 entities.
Q00123 (Rentian puqing (Xiannü, Tushan shi jiaoben) 人天普慶 (仙女、塗山氏腳本)): Man and Heaven...
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 14 entities.
Q00574 (Renxiao shenqin 仁孝神欽 ): The Gods Respect Kindness and Benevolence
1 script, 1 collection, and 17 entities.
Q00125 (Riyue yingxiang 日月迎祥): The Sun and Moon Welcome Auspiciousness
1 script, 0 collections, and 23 entities.
Q00126 (Ruixian tiantai 瑞獻天台): Auspicious Portents on the Heavenly Terrace
2 scripts, 2 collections, and 62 entities.
Q00570 (Ruixue mankong 瑞雪漫空 ): Auspicious Snow Blankets the Sky
1 script, 1 collection, and 30 entities.
Q00559 (Ruiying huangchao 瑞應皇朝): The Imperial Court Meets with Auspicious Portents
1 script, 1 collection, and 30 entities.
Q00130 (Ruiying sanxing 瑞應三星): Auspicious Portents from the Three Stars
1 script, 0 collections, and 6 entities.
Q00577 (Rushi anpin 儒士安貧 ): The Confucian is Content in Poverty
1 script, 1 collection, and 15 entities.
Q00397 (Ruyuan liangyin 如願良姻): A Fine and Pleasing Mariage
1 script, 1 collection, and 18 entities.
Q00131 (Ruyuan yingxin 如願迎新): A Newcomer to Wish For
1 script, 0 collections, and 29 entities.
Q00132 (Sannong deshu 三農得澍): Propitious Rain for The Three Crops
3 scripts, 3 collections, and 112 entities.
Q00509 (Sanshan aodai 三山鼇戴): The Turtle Carries the Three Mountains
1 script, 1 collection, and 14 entities.
Q00394 (Sanwei ganying 三微感應): All the World Responds
1 script, 1 collection, and 33 entities.
Q00134 (Sanyuan baifu 三元百福): The Many Fortunes of the Three Elements
1 script, 0 collections, and 22 entities.
Q00544 (Sanyuan cifu 三元賜福): The Three Elements Bring Good Fortune
1 script, 1 collection, and 18 entities.
Q00135 (Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 ): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating the...
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 24 entities.
Q00539 (Shangguo guanguang 上國觀光): Seeing the Sights of the Capital
1 script, 1 collection, and 47 entities.
Q00136 (Shangyuan chengying da wudengqu 上元承應大舞燈曲): A Lantern Dance to Usher in the...
1 script, 0 collections, and 19 entities.
Q00320 (Shanling chaohu 山靈朝扈): The Retinue of the Mountain Spirits
3 scripts, 3 collections, and 74 entities.
Q00137 (Shanling ruiying 山靈瑞應): Auspicious Portents of the Mountain Spirits
1 script, 0 collections, and 40 entities.
Q00138 (Shaohu jiucheng 韶頀九成): The Nine Variations of Court Music
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 89 entities.
Q00139 (Shengmu xunxing 聖母巡行): The Sagely Mother goes on Tour
1 script, 0 collections, and 24 entities.
Q00238 (Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 326 entities.
Q00140 (Shengping chusui 昇平除歲): The New Year's Eve of Ascending Peace
1 script, 0 collections, and 9 entities.
Q00141 (Shengping jiqing/Wanfu jiqing 昇平集慶/萬福集慶): Gathering to Celebrate Ascending Peace
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 27 entities.
Q00142 (Shengping rui 昇平瑞): Auspicious Portents of Ascending Peace
1 script, 1 collection, and 248 entities.
Q00143 (Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
2 scripts, 1 collection, and 110 entities.
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