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All Series
TEXTCOURT Extended Database
TEXTCOURT Core Database
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Qing Dynasty
Ming Dynasty
Q00074 (Jiangzhou songjiu 江州送酒): Wine from Jiangzhou
1 script, 0 collections, and 12 entities.
Q00571 (Jianxian youxi 劍仙遊戲 ): Sword Spirits at Sport
1 script, 1 collection, and 17 entities.
Q00075 (Jiaobai tusu 椒柏屠蘇): Liquor at New Year
1 script, 0 collections, and 43 entities.
Q00564 (Jiaolie conggu 較獵從古 ): Competitve Hunting in the Ancient Fashion
1 script, 1 collection, and 34 entities.
Q00533 (Jiaoyao gongyu 焦僥貢羽): Variety Dramas for the Birthday of the Kangxi Emperor,...
2 scripts, 2 collections, and 55 entities.
Q00076 (Jiazi tu 甲子圖): The Chart of the Sexagenary Cycle
1 script, 0 collections, and 49 entities.
Q00077 (Jichou wufu 箕疇五福): The Nine Laws and Five Blessings
1 script, 0 collections, and 80 entities.
Q00078 (Jingxing xieqing 景星協慶): The Auspicious Stars Celebrate Together
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 55 entities.
Q00359 (Jinmu xianhuan 金母獻環): The Golden Mother Presents a Bracelet
2 scripts, 2 collections, and 40 entities.
Q00513 (Jintao xianrui 金桃𤣉瑞): The Golden Peach Brings Good Fortune
1 script, 1 collection, and 20 entities.
Q00079 (Jinting zoushi 金庭奏事): Addressing the Emperor at the Golden Court
1 script, 0 collections, and 22 entities.
Q00538 (Jinwu chijin 金吾弛禁): The Release of Jinwu
1 script, 1 collection, and 22 entities.
Q00080 (Jinwu kanjian 金吾勘箭): Jinwu Conducts the Arrow Ritual
1 script, 0 collections, and 20 entities.
Q00225 (Jinxian zouyue 金仙奏樂): The Golden Immortals Play Music
1 script, 0 collections, and 32 entities.
Q00081 (Jiuhua pinju/Duanyou zhu changsheng jiuhua pinju 九華品菊/端友祝長生九華品菊): Jiuhua...
3 scripts, 0 collections, and 66 entities.
Q00082 (Jiuru gesong yuezou daluotian 九如歌頌樂奏大羅天): Performing the Song of Nine Wishes to...
1 script, 0 collections, and 85 entities.
Q00549 (Jiusi chuanming 酒肆傳名): Attaining Fame in a Tavern
1 script, 1 collection, and 39 entities.
Q00410 (Jixing xieqing 吉星叶慶): A Celebration Beneath Auspicious Stars
1 script, 1 collection, and 142 entities.
Q00083 (Jiyao chenghuan 吉曜承歡): Auspicious Heavenly Bodies Announce Revelry
1 script, 0 collections, and 14 entities.
Q00084 (Kaiyan chengqing 開筵稱慶): A Celebratory Banquet
1 script, 0 collections, and 13 entities.
Q00085 (Kangqu le 康衢樂): Joy on Broad Avenues
1 script, 1 collection, and 190 entities.
Q00679 (Kangqu xinyuefu tici 康衢新樂府題詞 ): New Ballades from the Broad Avenues (Inscription)
1 script, 1 collection, and 10 entities.
Q00678 (Kangqu xinyuefu xu 康衢新樂府序 ): New Ballades from the Broad Avenues (Preface)
1 script, 1 collection, and 15 entities.
Q00683 (Kangxi wanshou zaju- fragment (name lost) 康熙萬壽雜劇- 這都是當今聖徳感格片段 (失名; 片段)):...
1 script, 1 collection, and 0 entities.
Q00087 (Landian chengxiang 蘭殿呈祥): Things Bode Well at the Palace - A Refined...
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 62 entities.
Q00088 (Laoren chengji 老人呈技): The Elderly Show their Tricks
1 script, 0 collections, and 30 entities.
Q00089 (Leshou changsheng 樂壽長生): Delighting in Long Life
1 script, 0 collections, and 14 entities.
M0012 (Li Yunqing dewu shengzhen 李雲𡖖得悟昇眞 ): Li Yunqing has an Awakening and Becomes a...
1 script, 0 collections, and 110 entities.
Q00429 (Lianfu ximin 斂福錫民): Collecting Good Fortune to Bestow on the People
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 58 entities.
Q00584 (Lianzuo chuien 蓮座垂恩 ): Grace Dangled from the Lotus Throne
1 script, 1 collection, and 32 entities.
Q00395 (Liesu guanghui 列宿光輝): The Constellations Shine
1 script, 1 collection, and 21 entities.
Q00404 (Lingbu bafeng 令布八風): Unleashing the Eight Winds
1 script, 1 collection, and 29 entities.
Q00090 (Lingfu jishi 靈符濟世): A Trusty Amulet to Save the World
1 script, 0 collections, and 19 entities.
Q00091 (Lingxian zhushou/Fulushou deng 靈仙祝壽/福祿壽燈): The Immortals Send Birthday Wishes
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 131 entities.
Q00401 (Linzhi chengxiang 麟趾呈祥): A Unicorn's Foot Bodes Well
1 script, 1 collection, and 34 entities.
M0070 (Liu Xuande dufu Xiangyang hui 劉玄徳獨赴襄陽會): Liu Xuande attends the Banquet at...
1 script, 0 collections, and 128 entities.
Q00092 (Liuying huiyin 柳營會飲): Drinking in the Army Camp
1 script, 0 collections, and 9 entities.
Q00093 (Liuzu jiangjing 六祖講經): The Sixth Patriach Explains the Sutras
2 scripts, 0 collections, and 49 entities.
Q00015 (Liuzu jiangjing, Changsha qiuzi (nongfu) 六祖講經、長沙求子 (農夫)): The Sixth Patriach...
3 scripts, 0 collections, and 38 entities.
Q00095 (Longhua fahui 龍華法會): The Dharma Meetings at Longhua
1 script, 0 collections, and 12 entities.
Q00096 (Longjing chage 龍井茶歌): A Song of Dragon Well Tea
2 scripts, 2 collections, and 73 entities.
M0013 (Lu Chunyang dianhua du huanglong 呂純陽點化度黃龍 ): Lü Chunyang tames the Yellow Dragon
1 script, 0 collections, and 130 entities.
Q00097 (Luohan duhai 羅漢渡海): The Arhat Crosses the Ocean
1 script, 0 collections, and 30 entities.
Q00098 (Luoyang zengdan 洛陽贈丹): An Elixir is Presented in Luoyang
1 script, 0 collections, and 15 entities.
Q00579 (Luwei qifeng 祿位齊豐 ): A Bounteous Salary and a High Position
1 script, 1 collection, and 35 entities.
Q00099 (Luyuan jieyuan 鹿苑結緣): A Fated Meeting in the Deer Park
1 script, 0 collections, and 9 entities.
Q00357 (Lülü zhengdu 律呂正度): Correct Harmony
1 script, 1 collection, and 8 entities.
Q00567 (Meiren rumeng 美人入夢 ): A Dream of a Beautiful Woman
1 script, 1 collection, and 25 entities.
M0028 (Menglie nezha san bianhua 猛烈那吒三變化): The Three Transformations of the Fierce Nezha
1 script, 0 collections, and 58 entities.
Q00100 (Mengzheng jizao 蒙正祭竈): Lü Mengzheng makes an Offering to the Stove God
1 script, 0 collections, and 7 entities.
Q00681 (Mengzheng jizao 蒙正祭竃): Lü Mengzheng makes an Offering to the Stove God
1 script, 1 collection, and 30 entities.
Q00101 (Mengzheng luozhai 蒙正邏齋): Lü Mengzheng Goes Begging
1 script, 0 collections, and 6 entities.
Q00514 (Miaohua xiesuan 妙華叶算): Magnificent Lotus-Flower Divined in Harmony
1 script, 1 collection, and 26 entities.
Q00455 (Mingren mobao 名人墨寶): Treasured Epigraphy from Famous People
1 script, 0 collections, and 70 entities.
Q00543 (Moding buyue 摸釘步月): A Moonlit Stroll while Praying for a Son
1 script, 1 collection, and 18 entities.
Q00102 (Mowang dafo 魔王答佛): The Devil Replies to the Buddha
3 scripts, 0 collections, and 49 entities.
Q00103 (Nanji zenghui 南極增輝): The Southern Star Shines Brighter
1 script, 0 collections, and 13 entities.
Q00104 (Nanji zengshou 南極增壽): The Southern Star Bestows Extra Years of Life
1 script, 0 collections, and 60 entities.
Q00105 (Nanshan guimei 南山歸妹): A Maiden Weds on the Southern Mountain
1 script, 0 collections, and 28 entities.
Q00366 (Nanxing gongzhao 南星拱照): A Shining Vault of Stars in the South
1 script, 1 collection, and 20 entities.
Page 3 of 7