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538 results found
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TEXTCOURT Extended Database
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Qing Dynasty
Ming Dynasty
Sannong deshu 三農得澍 (Q00132_01_C): Propitious Rain for The Three Crops
A script with 10 pages , 0 divisions, and 37 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sanshan aodai 三山鼇戴 (Q00509_01_A): The Turtle Carries the Three Mountains
A script with 5 pages (with images), 0 divisions, and 14 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sanwei ganying 三微感應 (Q00394_01_A): All the World Responds
A script with 8 pages , 0 divisions, and 33 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sanyuan baifu 三元百福 (Q00134_01_A): The Many Fortunes of the Three Elements
A script with 2 pages , 0 divisions, and 22 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sanyuan cifu 三元賜福 (Q00544_01_A): The Three Elements Bring Good Fortune
A script with 5 pages , 0 divisions, and 18 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 (Q00135_01_B): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating...
A script with 5 pages , 0 divisions, and 11 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 (Q00135_01_A): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating...
A script with 4 pages , 0 divisions, and 13 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shangguo guanguang 上國觀光 (Q00539_01_A): Seeing the Sights of the Capital
A script with 7 pages , 0 divisions, and 47 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shangyuan chengying da wudengqu 上元承應大舞燈曲 (Q00136_01_A): A Lantern Dance to Usher in the...
A script with 2 pages , 0 divisions, and 19 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shanling chaohu 山靈朝扈 (Q00320_01_E): The Retinue of the Mountain Spirits
A script with 11 pages , 0 divisions, and 25 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shanling chaohu 山靈朝扈 (Q00320_01_A): The Retinue of the Mountain Spirits
A script with 11 pages , 0 divisions, and 25 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shanling chaohu 山靈朝扈 (Q00320_01_B): The Retinue of the Mountain Spirits
A script with 11 pages , 0 divisions, and 24 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shanling ruiying 山靈瑞應 (Q00137_01_A): Auspicious Portents of the Mountain Spirits
A script with 4 pages , 0 divisions, and 40 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shaohu jiucheng 韶頀九成 (Q00138_01_B): The Nine Variations of Court Music
A script with 16 pages , 4 divisions, and 38 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shaohu jiucheng 韶頀九成 (Q00138_01_A): The Nine Variations of Court Music
A script with 58 pages , 8 divisions, and 51 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengmu xunxing 聖母巡行 (Q00139_01_A): The Sagely Mother goes on Tour
A script with 3 pages , 0 divisions, and 24 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_C): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
A script with 71 pages , 8 divisions, and 226 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_A): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
A script with 21 pages , 2 divisions, and 100 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengping chusui 昇平除歲 (Q00140_01_A): The New Year's Eve of Ascending Peace
A script with 6 pages , 0 divisions, and 9 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengping jiqing 昇平集慶 (Q00141_01_A): Gathering to Celebrate Ascending Peace
A script with 2 pages , 0 divisions, and 15 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengping rui 昇平瑞 (Q00142_01_A): Auspicious Portents of Ascending Peace
A script with 25 pages (with images), 4 divisions, and 248 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_B): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
A script with 32 pages , 3 divisions, and 38 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_A): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
A script with 23 pages , 8 divisions, and 72 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengshi xianhua 聖師顯化 (Q00557_01_A): The Manifestations of Sage Masters
A script with 7 pages , 0 divisions, and 53 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shengshou shengping 聖壽昇平 (Q00144_01_A): Ascending Peace on the Emperor's Birthday
A script with 38 pages , 12 divisions, and 105 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shentian xieqing 神天叶慶 (Q00145_01_A): The Divine Heavens Rejoice
A script with 15 pages , 8 divisions, and 89 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shenwei jingmeng 神威警夢 (Q00598_01_A): A God's Power Delivers a Cautionary Dream
A script with 10 pages , 0 divisions, and 44 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shenzhi yihui dou fangyan 神芝異卉闘芳妍 (Q00147_01_A): Divine Plants and Supernatural Grasses...
A script with 2 pages , 0 divisions, and 17 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shi zhenren sisheng suo baiyuan 時真人四聖鎖白猿 (M0017_01_A): Adept Shi and the Four Sages...
A script with 37 pages (with images), 4 divisions, and 61 entities. Originates from Ming Dynasty.
Shinü qiqiao 仕女乞巧 (Q00148_01_A): Noble Ladies Beg for Skills
A script with 3 pages , 0 divisions, and 15 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shiwei shoulu 式圍受祿 (Q00149_01_A): The Whole Empire is Recompensed
A script with 4 pages , 0 divisions, and 82 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shouqing qunxian 壽慶群仙 (Q00518_01_A): The Many Immortals Celebrate a Birthday
A script with 3 pages (with images), 0 divisions, and 14 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shoushan chengrui 壽山呈瑞 (Q00150_01_A): The Mountain of Longevity Brings Auspiciousness
A script with 3 pages , 0 divisions, and 14 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shoushan chengrui 壽山呈瑞 (Q00150_01_B): The Mountain of Longevity Brings Auspiciousness
A script with 3 pages , 0 divisions, and 17 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shoushan fuhai 壽山福海 (Q00151_01_A): The Mountain of Longevity and the Ocean of Good Fortune
A script with 4 pages , 0 divisions, and 14 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shouyan chengqing 壽筵稱慶 (Q00523_01_A): Expressing Congratulations at a Birthday Banquet
A script with 5 pages (with images), 0 divisions, and 22 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shouzhu wannian 壽祝萬年 (Q00042_03_A): Birthday Wishes for Ten Thousand Years
A script with 4 pages , 0 divisions, and 51 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Shuang fushou 雙福壽 (Q00153_01_A): A Birthday of Dual Fortune
A script with 19 pages , 6 divisions, and 68 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai anlan 四海安瀾 (Q00154_01_A): The Four Seas are at Peace
A script with 3 pages , 0 divisions, and 49 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai chengping wenxing chao jiangque 四海承平文星朝絳闕 (Q00156_02_A): The Four Seas Bear...
A script with 15 pages , 0 divisions, and 82 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai qingning 四海清寧 (Q00155_01_A): Tranquil Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 13 pages , 6 divisions, and 91 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00371_01_A): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 10 pages , 0 divisions, and 33 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_H): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 27 pages , 0 divisions, and 62 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_F): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 20 pages , 0 divisions, and 99 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00371_01_E): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 10 pages , 0 divisions, and 33 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_A): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 22 pages , 0 divisions, and 94 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_J): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 17 pages , 0 divisions, and 81 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_I): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 29 pages , 0 divisions, and 70 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_K): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 16 pages , 0 divisions, and 85 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00371_01_B): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
A script with 10 pages , 0 divisions, and 33 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Siling xiaozheng 四靈効徵 (Q00409_01_A): The Four Spirits Prove Effective
A script with 148 pages , 12 divisions, and 102 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Siming xixi 司命錫禧 (Q00157_01_A): Siming Brings Joy
A script with 5 pages , 0 divisions, and 20 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Sishu jiqu 四書集趣 (Q00420_01_A): Highlights from the Four Books
A script with 4 pages (with images), 0 divisions, and 2 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Siwen yadiao 斯文雅調 (Q00597_01_A): Polite Prose and Refined Music
A script with 6 pages , 0 divisions, and 50 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Songxian jiaohua 頌獻椒花 (Q00594_01_A): A Celebratory Offering of Spices
A script with 8 pages , 0 divisions, and 39 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Suifa sishi 歲發四時 (Q00158_01_A): The Four Seasons
A script with 7 pages , 0 divisions, and 18 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Suifa sishi 歲發四時 (Q00158_01_D): The Four Seasons
A script with 5 pages , 0 divisions, and 19 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Suifa sishi 歲發四時 (Q00158_01_B): The Four Seasons
A script with 4 pages , 0 divisions, and 27 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Suifa sishi 歲發四時 (Q00158_01_C): The Four Seasons
A script with 3 pages , 0 divisions, and 20 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
Suyun zhaocai 素雲昭彩 (Q00406_01_A): Three Coloured Clouds Illuminated with Iridescence
A script with 7 pages , 0 divisions, and 29 entities. Originates from Qing Dynasty.
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