The History of that Great and Renowned Monarchy of China
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Now that I have treated of the small Tribunals, I will speak of a great
one, which is that of the Vice-roy of Cantone, which, for some causes, I
had occasion to observe very distinctly, as also many others. The
Tribunal, wherein the Vice-roy doth Justice, is joined to the Palace,
where he hath his residence.
There is first a great square Court, which looketh toward the South,
without having any gate in the wall right before it, but only two at the
two sides thereof. At the foure Corners of this Court there are foure
very high Masts, on the top of each is displayed a white banner, whereon
are written two letters so bigge, that they almost take up the whole
flagge. The letters are Kiun Muen, that is, Vice-roy. Within round about
the Court, are Chambers for the Notaries, for great and lesser Officers,
and many small Mandarines, who are to be alwayes ready at the Vice-roys
beck. In the middle of the Court is a Theater of stone, with steps to
ascend to it. There stand drums, flutes fifes and Cornets of Brasse: and
before the Vice-King giveth audience, all these instruments are founded
with certain pauses or Intervalls. They are founded three times for some
space, and at the end of each, there are three Bombards, or old
fashion’d Cannon, discharged; at the third and last time the gates are
opened, & all they, who have any businesse with him, are permitted to
enter into the first Court.