Purchas His Pilgrimes

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Purchas His Pilgrimes
Purchas His Pilgrimes, in Five Books
Samuel Purchas (1577-1626.0)
London: Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-Yard at the signe of the Rose
Page 1

Amongst those Eunuches which the King had sent to oppresse the people,
was one Mathan which dwelt Linciu, whole exactions had raysed the people
and Souldiers into mutiny, which burnt his Palace and killed his
Servants, himselfe escaping disguised, but the Captine and Slaue of
Couetousnesse no lesse then before. Our Eunuch addressed himselfe to
him, but could not till the third time be admitted, because his Gifts
were not answerable to the others appetite. Hee to make way for himselfe
betrayed Ours to this Harpy, they not knowing it, saying, that in one of
his ships were strangers with precious Gifts for the King, which he
shewed closely to his Officers: with these he might get the Kings
fauour. The Gouernour which in that and the Neighbour Cities had great
command was his great friend, of whom Ricius asked counsell; he told him
that now the Eunuches reigned, and they almost only were the Kings
Counsellors nor could the greatest Magistrates withstand their injuries.
Yet the countenance of this Magistrate was a great helpe to him, this
being the man whom of all the Gouernours he most feared; a man also well
deseruing that his Citizens erected to him a Temple, Image, and
Inscription; who now also both countenanced Ricius what he might, and
gaue him the best aduice how to carry himselfe to this Eunuch, and
perhaps but for him they had lost all and themselues to. This Capon had
erected Palaces and Temples, and had built a huge ship in which the King
himselfe might haue sayled; so many were the Cels, Chambers, Hals, and
other commodious Buildings thereof; the Windowes, Galleries of
vndecaying wood carryed with many Meanders, all shining with Vernish and
glittering with Gold. In this ship was hee carryed to ours, where Ricius
met him. He viewed and liked all, and downe on his knees to the Virgins
Picture, promised to procure her a place in the Palace. Ricius modestly
refusing his seruice for them to the King, saying, many Magistrates of
best ranke had vndertaken that kindnesse: he smiled, saying, none of
them could doe so much as he with the King: the King answeres my
Petitions the same day, to them or late, or nothing. The Eunuch which
brought ours was sent away, and all the Presents put a-board his ship.
Hee carryed the Iesuites with him to the Towre of Thiensin, whither hee
went to fend thence the six moneths Tribute to the King: he feasted
them, Comedies, Rope-runners, Tumblers, Vaulters, and Mimicke Ape-men
attending the cheare with such disports as they had neuer seene in
Europe. One cast three great Kniues into the Ayre one after another, and
catched them againe in their sheathes: another lay on the ground,
raysing his feete ouer his shoulders with which hee tossed vp and
tumbled too and fro an Earthen Pitcher in such sort, as hardly could bee
done with the hands; the like hee did with a Drumme on a Table. A
Comedie was acted only with gestures, of disguised Gyants in glorious
habits; one from the Theatre pronouncing all their parts. A Boy danced
admirably, and then as it were falling, layd his hands on the ground,
and another Boy of Clay came forth, which vsing his hands for feete,
imitated all the prankes of the other, and fell to wrestle with the
liuing Boy, as if both had beene aliue.