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Foreign Records
1) A Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Collection in Philadephia (WE00002A)
2) A Voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748. 1 (WE00009A)
3) A Voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748. 2 (WE00009B)
4) The Chinese as They Are (WE00028A)
5) The Chinese Traveller (WE00032A)
6) The Costume of China (WE00034A)
7) The Fan-Qui in China (WE00035A)
8) The Indo-Chinese Gleaner (WE00038A)
9) Sketches of Chinese Customs and Manners in 1811-1812 (WE00046A)
10) Voyage à Canton. 1 (WF00021A)
11) Voyage à Canton. 2 (WF00021B)
12) Voyage commercial et politique aux Indes Orientales (WF00023A)
13) Voyage en Chine. 2 (WF00027B)
14) Voyage of the Embassy of the Dutch East Indies Company to the Emperor of China 4 (WF00031D)