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1) Baoguang dian tianzhen zhu wanshou 寶光殿天眞祝萬壽 (M0001_01_A): The Divines Wish the Emperor Long Life at Baoguang Palace
2) Bian Dongxuan mudao shengxian 邊洞玄慕道昇仙 (M0002_01_A): Bian Dongxuan, in Pursuing the Dao, Becomes an Immortal
3) Feng tianming Sanbao xia xiyang 奉天命三保下西洋 (M0004_01_A): By Imperial Command, Zheng Sanbao Sets Sail for the Western Oceans
4) Gan tiandi qunxian chaosheng 感天地羣仙朝聖 (M0005_01_A): The Myriad Immortals, Inspired by Heaven and Earth, Pay Homage to the Emperor
5) Guangchengzi zhuhe qitianshou 廣成子祝賀齊天壽 (M0007_01_A): Guang Chengzi Congratulates a Life Long Enough to Rival Heaven
6) He shengping qunxian zhushou 賀昇平羣仙祝壽 (M0008_01_A): In Celebration of Ascendant Peace, the Many Immortals Offer their Birthday Greetings
7) He wanshou wulong chaosheng 賀萬壽五龍朝聖 (M0009_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Five Dragons Pay Homage to the Emperor
8) Huangmei weng cifu shang yannian 黃眉翁賜福上延年 (M0010_01_A): The Yellow Browed Elder Grants Good Fortune and Longevity
9) Jiang danchi sansheng qing changsheng 降丹墀三聖慶長生 (M0011_01_A): Three Sage Kings Descend by the Red Terrace, Celebrating Long Life
10) Li Yunqing dewu shengzhen 李雲𡖖得悟昇眞 (M0012_01_A): Li Yunqing has an Awakening and Becomes a Divine
11) Lü Chunyang dianhua du huanglong 呂純陽點化度黃龍 (M0013_01_A): Lü Chunyang tames the Yellow Dragon
12) Qing qianqiu Jinmu he yannian 慶千秋金母賀延年 (M0015_01_A): Celebrating the Imperial Birthday, the Golden Mother Congratulates a Life Extended
13) Shi zhenren sisheng suo baiyuan 時真人四聖鎖白猿 (M0017_01_A): Adept Shi and the Four Sages Imprison the White Ape
14) Taiyixian yeduan taofu ji 太乙仙夜斷桃符記 (M0018_01_A): A Record of the Immortal Taiyi Breaking the Peach Charm at Night
15) Zheng yuban baxian guo canghai 爭玉板八仙過滄海 (M0021_01_A): Fighting for the Jade Tablet, the Eight Immortals Cross the Wide Ocean
16) Zhong tianxian qinghe changsheng hui 衆天仙慶賀長生會 (M0022_01_A): The Many Immortals of Heaven Celebrate a Birthday
17) Zhu shengshou Jinmu xian pantao 祝聖壽金母獻蟠桃 (M0024_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, Jinmu Presents a Coiled Peach
18) Ziwei gong qinghe zhangchun jie 紫微宮慶賀長春節 (M0026_01_A): Celebrating the Festival of Everlasting Spring in the Ziwei Enclosure
19) Zhuge Liang Bowang shaotun 諸葛亮博望燒屯 (M0036_01_A): Zhuge Liang Burns his Base at Bowang
20) Zhong qunxian qingshang pantaohui 衆羣仙慶賞蟠桃會 (M0104_01_A): The Many Immortals Celebrate at the Coiled Peach Banquet
21) Hesongshen lingzhi qingshou 河嵩神靈芝慶壽 (M0106_01_A): The Deities of the Great River and Song Mountain Celebrate a Birthday with Sacred Ganoderma
22) Bailing xiaorui 百靈效瑞 (Q00004_01_A): All the Spirits Bring Good Fortune
23) Bailing xiaorui 百靈效瑞 (Q00004_01_C): All the Spirits Bring Good Fortune
24) Baizi chengxiang 百子呈祥 (Q00005_01_A): The Hundred Sons Bode Well
25) Baxian qingshou 八仙慶壽 (Q00007_01_A): The Eight Immortals Celebrate the Birthday of the Empress
26) Tianchou chengqing 添籌稱慶 (Q00007_02_A): Expressing Congratulations for Reaching a Grand Age
27) Bi shou tu 比壽圖 (Q00009_01_A): The Immortals Vie for Seniority
28) Changsheng lu 長生籙 (Q00016_01_A): The Register of Longevity
29) Chuntai xieqing 春臺叶慶 (Q00019_01_A): A Celebration Together on the Spring Terrace
30) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A): The Sights of Guangling
31) Daoli tian 忉利天 (Q00025_01_A): Trayastriṃśa
32) Qingshou wannian 慶壽萬年 (Q00042_02_A): A Birthday Celebration for Ten Thousand Years
33) Shouzhu wannian 壽祝萬年 (Q00042_03_A): Birthday Wishes for Ten Thousand Years
34) Gongzhu wujiang 恭祝無疆 (Q00050_01_A): Boundless Greetings
35) Haibu yangbo 海不揚波 (Q00055_01_A): No Waves Ripple the Sea
36) Heqing haiyan 河清海晏 (Q00061_01_A): Clear Rivers and Peaceful Seas
37) Hongqiao xian dahai 虹橋現大海 (Q00062_01_A): A Rainbow Appears Above the Ocean
38) Hui changong 會蟾宮 (Q00071_01_A): A Congregation in the Palace of the Moon
39) Jiaobai tusu 椒柏屠蘓 (Q00075_01_A): Liquor at New Year
40) Jichou wufu 箕疇五福 (Q00077_01_A): The Nine Laws and Five Blessings
41) Kangqu le 康衢樂 (Q00085_01_A): Joy on Broad Avenues
42) Landian chengxiang 蘭殿呈祥 (Q00087_01_A): Things Bode Well at the Palace
43) Landian chengxiang, yaotian yazou 蘭殿呈祥、堯天雅奏 (Q00087_02_A): Things Bode Well at the Palace - A Refined Performance for a Thriving Age
44) Fulushou deng 福祿壽燈 (Q00091_02_A): Lamps of Fortune, Prosperity, and Longevity
45) Niannian kangtai 年年康泰 (Q00106_01_A): Healthy and Safe, Year after Year
46) Pantao shangshou 蟠桃上壽 (Q00108_01_A): The Life-Lengthening Coiled Peach
47) Qianxian bufu 遣仙佈福 (Q00111_01_A): The Immortals are Dispatched to Spread Good Fortune
48) Qunxian fuhui 羣仙赴會 (Q00118_01_A): The Many Immortals Attend the Banquet
49) Qunxian qinghe 羣仙慶賀 (Q00119_01_A): The Many Immortals Express Congratulations
50) Qunxian zhushou 羣仙祝壽 (Q00120_01_A): The Many Immortals Give Birthday Wishes
51) Qunxing gonghu 羣星拱護 (Q00121_01_A): Protected by the Many Stars
52) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
53) Guadie mianchang 瓜瓞綿長 (Q00128_01_A): An Unbroken Family Line
54) Guadie mianmian 瓜瓞緜綿 (Q00128_02_A): A Continuous Family Line
55) Sanyuan baifu 三元百福 (Q00134_01_A): The Many Fortunes of the Three Elements
56) Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 (Q00135_01_A): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating the Moon, Enjoying the Lantern Festival
57) Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 (Q00135_01_B): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating the Moon, Enjoying the Lantern Festival
58) Shangyuan chengying da wudengqu 上元承應大舞燈曲 (Q00136_01_A): A Lantern Dance to Usher in the Lantern Festival
59) Shengping rui 昇平瑞 (Q00142_01_A): Auspicious Portents of Ascending Peace
60) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_A): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
61) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_B): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
62) Shengshou shengping 聖壽昇平 (Q00144_01_A): Ascending Peace on the Emperor's Birthday
63) Shentian xieqing 神天叶慶 (Q00145_01_A): The Divine Heavens Rejoice
64) Shiwei shoulu 式圍受祿 (Q00149_01_A): The Whole Empire is Recompensed
65) Shoushan fuhai 壽山福海 (Q00151_01_A): The Mountain of Longevity and the Ocean of Good Fortune
66) Shuang fushou 雙福壽 (Q00153_01_A): A Birthday of Dual Fortune
67) Sihai qingning 四海清寧 (Q00155_01_A): Tranquil Peace over the Four Seas
68) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_A): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
69) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_F): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
70) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_H): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
71) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_I): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
72) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_J): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
73) Sihai chengping wenxing chao jiangque 四海承平文星朝絳闕 (Q00156_02_A): The Four Seas Bear Peace, and the Star of Wenchang Faces the Scarlet Palace Gate
74) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival
75) Tianyuan fucou 天源福輳 (Q00169_01_A): A Merry Crowd at the Founts of Heaven
76) Wanguo laichao 萬國來朝 (Q00177_01_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
77) Wanguo laichao 萬國來朝 (Q00177_01_B): The Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
78) Wanguo laichao 萬國来朝 (Q00177_01_E): The Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
79) Wanhua xiangrong 萬花向榮 (Q00180_01_A): The Myriad Flowers Prosper
80) Wanshou changsheng 萬壽長生 (Q00190_01_A): Long Life for Ten Thousand Years
81) Wanshou pantao 萬壽蟠桃 (Q00191_01_A): The Coiled Peach of Eternal Life
82) Wanshou pantao 萬壽蟠桃 (Q00191_01_B): The Coiled Peach of Eternal Life
83) Wanshou tu 萬壽圖 (Q00193_01_A): A Birthday Portrait
84) Wanshou xiangkai 萬壽祥開 (Q00195_01_A): Birthday Blessings for the Emperor
85) Xiangzhi yingshou 祥芝迎壽 (Q00205_01_A): Propitious Ganoderma Welcomes Longevity
86) Yimen wufu 一門五福 (Q00214_01_A): Five Blessings for One Household
87) Yingbo qingyan 瀛波清晏 (Q00215_01_A): The Sea Waves are Clear and Calm
88) Yingbo qingyan 瀛波清晏 (Q00215_01_C): The Sea Waves are Clear and Calm
89) Yingnian xiansui 迎年献歳 (Q00216_01_A): Welcoming in the New Year
90) Yongqing xialing 永慶遐齡 (Q00218_01_A): An Eternal Celebration of Lofty Age
91) Yuting jifu 虞庭集福 (Q00224_01_A): Abundant Blessings upon the Court of Yu
92) Zhengze chengxian 正則成仙 (Q00229_01_A): Apotheosis is Reserved for the Righteous
93) Zhimei jieshou 芝眉介壽 (Q00230_01_A): Birthday Celebrations of a Beautiful Woman
94) Zhongmei feixia 衆美飛霞 (Q00232_01_A): The Divine Beauties Fly through the Sunset Clouds
95) Zhongmei feixia 衆美飛霞 (Q00232_01_B): The Divine Beauties Fly through the Sunset Clouds
96) Shanling chaohu 山靈朝扈 (Q00320_01_A): The Retinue of the Mountain Spirits
97) Shanling chaohu 山靈朝扈 (Q00320_01_B): The Retinue of the Mountain Spirits
98) Shanling chaohu 山靈朝扈 (Q00320_01_E): The Retinue of the Mountain Spirits
99) Qianqiu haiyan 千秋海晏 (Q00322_01_A): Calm Seas for a Thousand Autumns
100) Qianqiu haiyan 千秋海晏 (Q00322_01_B): Calm Seas for a Thousand Autumns
101) Qianqiu haiyan 千秋海晏 (Q00322_01_E): Calm Seas for a Thousand Autumns
102) Yuzhu juntiao 玉燭均調 (Q00354_01_A): The Heavens and Earth are in Harmony
103) Xuanji shoushi 璿璣授時 (Q00358_01_A): The Spoon Star Signals the Time
104) Wanfang renshou 萬方仁壽 (Q00363_01_A): Benevolence and Longevity Far and Wide
105) Wanfang renshou 萬方仁壽 (Q00363_01_B): Benevolence and Longevity Far and Wide
106) Fenglin xiangwu 鳳麟翔舞 (Q00364_01_A): The Flight and Dance of the Phoenix and the Qilin
107) Fenglin xiangwu 鳳麟翔舞 (Q00364_01_B): The Flight and Dance of the Phoenix and the Qilin
108) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00371_01_A): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
109) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00371_01_B): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
110) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00371_01_E): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
111) Siling xiaozheng 四靈効徵 (Q00409_01_A): The Four Spirits Prove Effective
112) Wanshou wujiang 萬壽無疆 (Q00412_01_A): Everlasting Life
113) Dongxian gongzhu 洞仙共祝 (Q00413_01_A): The Daoist Immortals Celebrate Together
114) Yutang fugui 玉堂富貴 (Q00419_01_A): The Riches of the Jade Hall
115) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00425_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
116) Wanguo songhu 萬國嵩呼 (Q00425_02_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Thrice Hail the Emperor
117) Lianfu ximin 斂福錫民 (Q00429_01_A): Collecting Good Fortune to Bestow on the People
118) Lianfu ximin 斂福錫民 (Q00429_01_B): Collecting Good Fortune to Bestow on the People
119) Xichao wuwei 喜朝五位 (Q00430_01_A): The Five Positions of the Rejoicing Court
120) Xichao wuwei 喜朝五位 (Q00430_01_B): The Five Positions of the Rejoicing Court
121) Xichao wuwei 喜朝五位 (Q00430_01_D): The Five Positions of the Rejoicing Court
122) Mingren mobao 名人墨寶 (Q00455_01_A): Treasured Epigraphy from Famous People
123) Wanhua xianchun 萬花先春 (Q00477_01_A): The Myriad Flowers Anticipate the Spring
124) Tianren puqing 天人普慶 (Q00506_01_A): Heaven and Man Rejoice Together
125) Jintao xianrui 金桃𤣉瑞 (Q00513_01_A): The Golden Peach Brings Good Fortune
126) Taice yanli 泰策延釐 (Q00515_01_A): Tidings of Peace
127) Shouqing qunxian 壽慶群仙 (Q00518_01_A): The Many Immortals Celebrate a Birthday
128) Qunxian zhufu 群仙祝福 (Q00519_01_A): The Many Immortals Wish for Good Fortune
129) Wangmu chengqing 王母稱慶 (Q00520_01_A): The Queen Mother Expresses Congratulations
130) Zaoqing changsheng 棗慶長生 (Q00522_01_A): Plums to Celebrate Long Life
131) Shouyan chengqing 壽筵稱慶 (Q00523_01_A): Expressing Congratulations at a Birthday Banquet
132) Pantao chushou 蟠桃初熟 (Q00526_01_A): The Coiled Peach is Just Ripe
133) Tiankai shouyu 天開壽域 (Q00530_01_A): Heaven Extends the Limits of Longevity
134) Baman jinbao 八蠻進寶 (Q00531_01_A): The Eight Barbarians Offer Tribute
135) Taiyi ganying 太乙感應 (Q00540_01_A): Taiyi Acts
136) Dongbin xiafan 洞賓下凡 (Q00562_01_A): Lü Dongbin Descends into the Realm of Mortals
137) Ruixue mankong 瑞雪漫空 (Q00570_01_A): Auspicious Snow Blankets the Sky
138) Jianxian youxi 劍仙遊戲 (Q00571_01_A): Sword Spirits at Sport
139) Kangqu xinyuefu tici 康衢新樂府題詞 (Q00679_01_A): New Ballades from the Broad Avenues (Inscription)
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