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Places (China)
Stage Objects
1) SO00022 - 酒 (Object: Stage Objects)
2) SO00063 - 交梨 (Object: Stage Objects)
3) SO00131 - 夀酒 (Object: Stage Objects)
4) SO00137 - 大海螺 (Object: Stage Objects)
5) SO00212 - 禾稼 (Object: Stage Objects)
6) SO00254 - 桃 (Object: Stage Objects)
7) SO00282 - 氷桃 (Object: Stage Objects)
8) SO00337 - 瓜 (Object: Stage Objects)
9) SO00404 - 箑脯 (Object: Stage Objects)
10) SO00415 - 米袋 (Object: Stage Objects)
11) SO00417 - 糕担 (Object: Stage Objects)
12) SO00418 - 紅棗 (Object: Stage Objects)
13) SO00477 - 脯盤 (Object: Stage Objects)
14) SO00508 - 茶 (Object: Stage Objects)
15) SO00509 - 茶壺 (Object: Stage Objects)
16) SO00510 - 茶碗 (Object: Stage Objects)
17) SO00520 - 菓盤 (Object: Stage Objects)
18) SO00521 - 葫蘆 (Object: Stage Objects)
19) SO00547 - 血羹 (Object: Stage Objects)
20) SO00586 - 酒壷 (Object: Stage Objects)
21) SO00587 - 酒杯 (Object: Stage Objects)
22) SO00588 - 酒果盒 (Object: Stage Objects)
23) SO00589 - 酒盞 (Object: Stage Objects)
24) SO00590 - 酒菜 (Object: Stage Objects)
25) SO00597 - 金瓜 (Object: Stage Objects)
26) SO00635 - 長藕 (Object: Stage Objects)
27) SO00685 - 餚盒 (Object: Stage Objects)
28) SO00713 - 麻糖 (Object: Stage Objects)
29) SO00842 - 湯糰 (Object: Stage Objects)
30) SO00885 - 椒栢酒 (Object: Stage Objects)
31) SO00886 - 五辛盤 (Object: Stage Objects)
32) SO01031 - 大棗 (Object: Stage Objects)
33) SO01071 - 乾魚頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
34) SO01072 - 五穀 (Object: Stage Objects)
35) SO01091 - 大桃 (Object: Stage Objects)
36) SO01096 - 奶茶 (Object: Stage Objects)
37) SO01119 - 棗 (Object: Stage Objects)
38) SO01120 - 椒盤 (Object: Stage Objects)
39) SO01159 - 米包 (Object: Stage Objects)
40) SO01161 - 米穀 (Object: Stage Objects)
41) SO01203 - 麒麟脯 (Object: Stage Objects)
42) SO01282 - 五辛 (Object: Stage Objects)
43) SO01378 - 燒酒 (Object: Stage Objects)
44) SO01397 - 青芝𣑯 (Object: Stage Objects)
45) SO01526 - 魚 (Object: Stage Objects)
46) SO01636 - 食盒 (Object: Stage Objects)
47) SO01689 - 黃磁酒瓶 (Object: Stage Objects)
48) SO01802 - 屠蘇 (Object: Stage Objects)
49) SO01803 - 柏子 (Object: Stage Objects)
50) SO01806 - 黑沙鍋 (Object: Stage Objects)
51) SO01813 - 蔬果 (Object: Stage Objects)
52) SO01816 - 荸薺 (Object: Stage Objects)
53) SO01817 - 楊梅 (Object: Stage Objects)
54) SO01818 - 枇杷 (Object: Stage Objects)
55) SO01819 - 黄古梨 (Object: Stage Objects)
56) SO01828 - 蓮藕 (Object: Stage Objects)
1) Bian Dongxuan mudao shengxian 邊洞玄慕道昇仙 (M0002_01_A): Bian Dongxuan, in Pursuing the Dao, Becomes an Immortal
2) Feng tianming Sanbao xia xiyang 奉天命三保下西洋 (M0004_01_A): By Imperial Command, Zheng Sanbao Sets Sail for the Western Oceans
3) Gan tiandi qunxian chaosheng 感天地羣仙朝聖 (M0005_01_A): The Myriad Immortals, Inspired by Heaven and Earth, Pay Homage to the Emperor
4) He shengping qunxian zhushou 賀昇平羣仙祝壽 (M0008_01_A): In Celebration of Ascendant Peace, the Many Immortals Offer their Birthday Greetings
5) He wanshou wulong chaosheng 賀萬壽五龍朝聖 (M0009_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Five Dragons Pay Homage to the Emperor
6) Huangmei weng cifu shang yannian 黃眉翁賜福上延年 (M0010_01_A): The Yellow Browed Elder Grants Good Fortune and Longevity
7) Jiang danchi sansheng qing changsheng 降丹墀三聖慶長生 (M0011_01_A): Three Sage Kings Descend by the Red Terrace, Celebrating Long Life
8) Li Yunqing dewu shengzhen 李雲𡖖得悟昇眞 (M0012_01_A): Li Yunqing has an Awakening and Becomes a Divine
9) Qing dongzhi gongxiang taipingyan 慶冬至共享太平宴 (M0014_01_A): Celebrating the Winter Solstice, Enjoying a Peace Banquet Together
10) Shi zhenren sisheng suo baiyuan 時真人四聖鎖白猿 (M0017_01_A): Adept Shi and the Four Sages Imprison the White Ape
11) Zheng yuban baxian guo canghai 爭玉板八仙過滄海 (M0021_01_A): Fighting for the Jade Tablet, the Eight Immortals Cross the Wide Ocean
12) Menglie nezha san bianhua 猛烈那吒三變化 (M0028_01_A): The Three Transformations of the Fierce Nezha
13) Zhuge Liang Bowang shaotun 諸葛亮博望燒屯 (M0036_01_A): Zhuge Liang Burns his Base at Bowang
14) Liu Xuande dufu Xiangyang hui 劉玄徳獨赴襄陽會 (M0070_01_A): Liu Xuande attends the Banquet at Xiangyang Alone
15) Zhong qunxian qingshang pantaohui 衆羣仙慶賞蟠桃會 (M0104_01_A): The Many Immortals Celebrate at the Coiled Peach Banquet
16) Bafang xianghua 八方向化 (Q00001_01_A): All Quarters of the World Turn Towards Civilization
17) Changsheng lu 長生籙 (Q00016_01_A): The Register of Longevity
18) Xifu tongming 錫福通明 (Q00020_01_A): Bestowing Blessings and Spreading Light
19) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A): The Sights of Guangling
20) Daoli tian 忉利天 (Q00025_01_A): Trayastriṃśa
21) Demen huanyan 德門歡讌 (Q00027_01_A): A Joyous Banquet at the Gate of Virtue
22) Deng’gao lansheng 登高覽勝 (Q00028_01_A): Climbing High to View the Scenery
23) Duixue tishi 對雪題詩 (Q00036_01_A): Composing Poetry on the Theme of Snow
24) Duixue tishi 對雪題詩 (Q00036_01_B): Composing Poetry on the Theme of Snow
25) Fugui changchun 富貴長春 (Q00041_01_A): Rich, Noble, and Forever Young
26) Qingshou wannian 慶壽萬年 (Q00042_02_A): A Birthday Celebration for Ten Thousand Years
27) Shouzhu wannian 壽祝萬年 (Q00042_03_A): Birthday Wishes for Ten Thousand Years
28) Fulu tianchang 福祿天長 (Q00043_01_A): Everlasting Fortune and Prosperity
29) Hejie huixie 賀節詼諧 (Q00060_01_A): Celebrating the New Year with Humour
30) Huanzhong jiujiu 環中九九 (Q00069_01_A): The Double Ninth Festival
31) Hunyuan he 混元盒 (Q00072_01_A): The Casket of Primoridial Chaos
32) Jia Dao jishi 賈島祭詩 (Q00073_01_A): Jia Dao Gives Offerings to his Poems
33) Jiangzhou songjiu 江州送酒 (Q00074_01_A): Wine from Jiangzhou
34) Jiaobai tusu 椒柏屠蘓 (Q00075_01_A): Liquor at New Year
35) Jingxing xieqing 景星協慶 (Q00078_01_A): The Auspicious Stars Celebrate Together
36) Kangqu le 康衢樂 (Q00085_01_A): Joy on Broad Avenues
37) Lingxian zhushou 靈仙祝壽 (Q00091_01_A): The Immortals Send Birthday Wishes
38) Fulushou deng 福祿壽燈 (Q00091_02_A): Lamps of Fortune, Prosperity, and Longevity
39) Liuying huiyin 柳營會飲 (Q00092_01_A): Drinking in the Army Camp
40) Longjing chage 龍井茶歌 (Q00096_01_A): A Song of Dragon Well Tea
41) Longjing chage 龍井茶歌 (Q00096_01_C): A Song of Dragon Well Tea
42) Nanji zengshou 南極增壽 (Q00104_01_A): The Southern Star Bestows Extra Years of Life
43) Qinghu jiahua 青湖佳話 (Q00112_01_A): Anecdotes about Qinghu
44) Qunxian fuhui 羣仙赴會 (Q00118_01_A): The Many Immortals Attend the Banquet
45) Ruixian tiantai 瑞獻天台 (Q00126_01_A): Auspicious Portents on the Heavenly Terrace
46) Ruixian tiantai 瑞獻天台 (Q00126_01_C): Auspicious Portents on the Heavenly Terrace
47) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
48) Guadie mianchang 瓜瓞綿長 (Q00128_01_A): An Unbroken Family Line
49) Guadie mianmian 瓜瓞緜綿 (Q00128_02_A): A Continuous Family Line
50) Ruyuan yingxin 如願迎新 (Q00131_01_A): A Newcomer to Wish For
51) Shengping rui 昇平瑞 (Q00142_01_A): Auspicious Portents of Ascending Peace
52) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_A): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
53) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_B): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
54) Shiwei shoulu 式圍受祿 (Q00149_01_A): The Whole Empire is Recompensed
55) Shuang fushou 雙福壽 (Q00153_01_A): A Birthday of Dual Fortune
56) Sihai qingning 四海清寧 (Q00155_01_A): Tranquil Peace over the Four Seas
57) Taiping leshi 太平樂事 (Q00160_01_A): Joyous Matters in the Era of Great Peace
58) Taiping shengshi 太平勝事 (Q00162_01_A): The Wonders of an Era of Great Peace
59) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival
60) Tigao gebi 題糕阁筆 (Q00170_01_A): Laying Down One's Brush Out of Modesty
61) Wanfu youtong 萬福攸同 (Q00175_01_C): Good Fortune Ten Thousand Times
62) Wanjuan langhuan 萬卷嫏環 (Q00183_01_A): The Celestial Library
63) Wanjuan langhuan 萬卷嫏環 (Q00183_01_B): The Celestial Library
64) Xianyun yanling 仙醖延齡 (Q00201_01_A): Divine Liquor Lengthens Life
65) Xianyun yanling 仙醖延齡 (Q00201_01_C): Divine Liquor Lengthens Life
66) Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_C): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
67) Baigu zisheng 百穀滋生 (Q00362_01_A): All the Crops Thrive
68) Wanfang renshou 萬方仁壽 (Q00363_01_A): Benevolence and Longevity Far and Wide
69) Wanfang renshou 萬方仁壽 (Q00363_01_B): Benevolence and Longevity Far and Wide
70) Dongli xiao’ao 東籬嘯傲 (Q00374_01_A): Boisterous Verses from the Eastern Fence
71) Yuma guichao 玉馬歸朝 (Q00379_01_A): The Jade Horses Return to the Palace
72) Dayan chenliao 大宴臣僚 (Q00393_01_A): A State Banquet
73) Changyin tusu 暢飲屠蘇 (Q00399_01_A): Quaffing Wine
74) Siling xiaozheng 四靈効徵 (Q00409_01_A): The Four Spirits Prove Effective
75) Jixing xieqing 吉星叶慶 (Q00410_01_A): A Celebration Beneath Auspicious Stars
76) Wanshou wujiang 萬壽無疆 (Q00412_01_A): Everlasting Life
77) Dongxian gongzhu 洞仙共祝 (Q00413_01_A): The Daoist Immortals Celebrate Together
78) Tiankai shouyu 天開壽域 (Q00415_01_A): Heaven Extends the Limits of Longevity
79) Duojin shengtian 奪錦昇天 (Q00421_01_A): Winning the Brocade Robe and Ascending to Heaven
80) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00425_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
81) Wanguo songhu 萬國嵩呼 (Q00425_02_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Thrice Hail the Emperor
82) Haomeng chengxu 好夢成虛 (Q00505_01_A): Good Dreams Must End
83) Tianren puqing 天人普慶 (Q00506_01_A): Heaven and Man Rejoice Together
84) Jintao xianrui 金桃𤣉瑞 (Q00513_01_A): The Golden Peach Brings Good Fortune
85) Wannian huanqing 萬年歡慶 (Q00521_01_A): A Ten Thousand Year Celebration
86) Zaoqing changsheng 棗慶長生 (Q00522_01_A): Plums to Celebrate Long Life
87) Huanjin jide 還金積德 (Q00551_01_A): Returning Gold to Earn Virtue
88) Qifu baiyun 齊赴白雲 (Q00556_01_A): Heading for the White Clouds Together
89) Yuehui huaxian 約會花仙 (Q00566_01_A): An Assignation with the Flower Spirits
90) Meiren rumeng 美人入夢 (Q00567_01_A): A Dream of a Beautiful Woman
91) Qixian shangxue 七賢賞雪 (Q00569_01_A): The Seven Sages Admire the Snow
92) Luwei qifeng 祿位齊豐 (Q00579_01_A): A Bounteous Salary and a High Position
93) Daji yingchun 大吉迎春 (Q00581_01_A): An Auspicious Start to the Spring
94) Chusui yanhuan 除歲言歡 (Q00587_01_A): Expressing Joy at New Year
95) Huaxian xiaoling 花仙効靈 (Q00588_01_A): The Flower Spirits Work their Magic
96) Dengmen cisui 登門辭歲 (Q00590_01_A): Paying a Visit to See Out the Year
97) Tuxiang enrong 圖像恩榮 (Q00593_01_A): Honoured with a Portrait
98) Yankai baijiu 筵開栢酒 (Q00595_01_A): Oak Wine at the Banquet
99) Siwen yadiao 斯文雅調 (Q00597_01_A): Polite Prose and Refined Music
100) Mengzheng jizao 蒙正祭竃 (Q00681_01_A): Lü Mengzheng makes an Offering to the Stove God