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Mid-autumn Festival
Related Data
1) Dangui piaoxiang 丹桂飄香 (Q00024_01_A): The Wafting Scent of Osmanthus
2) Hui changong 會蟾宮 (Q00071_01_A): A Congregation in the Palace of the Moon
3) Nichang xianwu 霓裳獻舞 (Q00107_01_A): A Dance in Glowing Dresses
4) Taiping shengji 太平勝集 (Q00161_01_A): A Wonderous Gathering in an Era of Great Peace
5) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival