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Seasonal play
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1) Baihua xianshou 百花獻壽 (Q00003_01_A): A Hundred Flowers Presented for the Birthday Celebration
2) Caixian tianchang 綵線添長 (Q00012_01_A): The Rainbow Thread Grows Longer
3) Canggou jiaqing 藏鈎家慶 (Q00013_01_A): Playing Hide and Seek at a Domestic Celebration
4) Chandao chuxie 闡道除邪 (Q00014_01_A): Exorcising by Expounding the Way
5) Chandao chuxie 闡道除邪 (Q00014_01_C): Exorcising by Expounding the Way
6) Liuzu jiangjing, Changsha qiuzi (nongfu) 六祖講經、長沙求子 (農夫) (Q00015_02_A): The Sixth Patriach Explain the Sutras - Praying for a Son at Changsha Temple (Farmer)
7) Xifu tongming 錫福通明 (Q00020_01_A): Bestowing Blessings and Spreading Light
8) Dangui piaoxiang 丹桂飄香 (Q00024_01_A): The Wafting Scent of Osmanthus
9) Demen huanyan 德門歡讌 (Q00027_01_A): A Joyous Banquet at the Gate of Virtue
10) Deng’gao lansheng 登高覽勝 (Q00028_01_A): Climbing High to View the Scenery
11) Dengyue jiaohui 燈月交輝 (Q00030_01_A): By the Light of the Lamps and the Moon
12) Dengyue jiaohui 燈月交輝 (Q00030_01_B): By the Light of the Lamps and the Moon
13) Donghuang buling 東皇佈令 (Q00033_01_A): The Eastern Emperor Pronounces an Order
14) Donghuang buling 東皇佈令 (Q00033_01_B): The Eastern Emperor Pronounces an Order
15) Duixue tishi 對雪題詩 (Q00036_01_A): Composing Poetry on the Theme of Snow
16) Duixue tishi 對雪題詩 (Q00036_01_B): Composing Poetry on the Theme of Snow
17) Fengchi chuyao 奉勅除妖 (Q00037_01_A): Exorcising Demons by Imperial Order
18) Fozhi dumo 佛旨度魔 (Q00040_01_B): Buddha's Teachings Redeem the Demons
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20) Hedong shihou 河東獅吼 (Q00058_01_A): A Shrewish Wife
21) Hejie huixie 賀節詼諧 (Q00060_01_A): Celebrating the New Year with Humour
22) Hongxi riyong 鴻禧日永 (Q00065_01_A): Long Days of Swan Blessings
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24) Hui changong 會蟾宮 (Q00071_01_A): A Congregation in the Palace of the Moon
25) Hunyuan he 混元盒 (Q00072_01_A): The Casket of Primoridial Chaos
26) Jia Dao jishi 賈島祭詩 (Q00073_01_A): Jia Dao Gives Offerings to his Poems
27) Jiangzhou songjiu 江州送酒 (Q00074_01_A): Wine from Jiangzhou
28) Jiaobai tusu 椒柏屠蘓 (Q00075_01_A): Liquor at New Year
29) Jingxing xieqing 景星協慶 (Q00078_01_A): The Auspicious Stars Celebrate Together
30) Jingxing xieqing 景星協慶 (Q00078_01_B): The Auspicious Stars Celebrate Together
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32) Jinwu kanjian 金吾勘箭 (Q00080_01_A): Jinwu Conducts the Arrow Ritual
33) Jiuhua pinju 九華品菊 (Q00081_01_B): Jiuhua Appraises Chrysanthemums
34) Duanyou zhu changsheng jiuhua pinju 端友祝長生九華品菊 (Q00081_02_A): Good Friends Wish a Long Life, as Jiuhua Appraises Chrysanthemums
35) Kaiyan chengqing 開筵稱慶 (Q00084_01_A): A Celebratory Banquet
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38) Liuzu jiangjing 六祖講經 (Q00093_01_A): The Sixth Patriach Explains the Sutras
39) Liuzu jiangjing 六祖講經 (Q00093_01_B): The Sixth Patriach Explains the Sutras
40) Longhua fahui 龍華法會 (Q00095_01_A): The Dharma Meetings at Longhua
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42) Luyuan jieyuan 鹿苑結緣 (Q00099_01_A): A Fated Meeting in the Deer Park
43) Mengzheng jizao 蒙正祭竈 (Q00100_01_A): Lü Mengzheng makes an Offering to the Stove God
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45) Mowang dafo 魔王答佛 (Q00102_01_A): The Devil Replies to the Buddha
46) Mowang dafo 魔王答佛 (Q00102_01_B): The Devil Replies to the Buddha
47) Mowang dafo 魔王答佛 (Q00102_01_C): The Devil Replies to the Buddha
48) Nanshan guimei 南山歸妹 (Q00105_01_A): A Maiden Weds on the Southern Mountain
49) Nichang xianwu 霓裳獻舞 (Q00107_01_A): A Dance in Glowing Dresses
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51) Qianchun yanxi 千春燕喜 (Q00110_01_B): The Thousand Spring Banquet
52) Qinghu jiahua 青湖佳話 (Q00112_01_A): Anecdotes about Qinghu
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54) Qunxian fuhui 羣仙赴會 (Q00118_01_A): The Many Immortals Attend the Banquet
55) Quxie yingjie 祛邪應節 (Q00122_01_A): Exorcising Evil Before the Festivities
56) Ruiying sanxing 瑞應三星 (Q00130_01_A): Auspicious Portents from the Three Stars
57) Ruyuan yingxin 如願迎新 (Q00131_01_A): A Newcomer to Wish For
58) Sanyuan baifu 三元百福 (Q00134_01_A): The Many Fortunes of the Three Elements
59) Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 (Q00135_01_A): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating the Moon, Enjoying the Lantern Festival
60) Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 (Q00135_01_B): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating the Moon, Enjoying the Lantern Festival
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62) Shengmu xunxing 聖母巡行 (Q00139_01_A): The Sagely Mother goes on Tour
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64) Shinü qiqiao 仕女乞巧 (Q00148_01_A): Noble Ladies Beg for Skills
65) Siming xixi 司命錫禧 (Q00157_01_A): Siming Brings Joy
66) Suifa sishi 歲發四時 (Q00158_01_A): The Four Seasons
67) Suifa sishi 歲發四時 (Q00158_01_B): The Four Seasons
68) Suifa sishi 歲發四時 (Q00158_01_C): The Four Seasons
69) Suifa sishi 歲發四時 (Q00158_01_D): The Four Seasons
70) Taihe baozui 太和報最 (Q00159_01_A): The Rewards of Peace
71) Taiping shengji 太平勝集 (Q00161_01_A): A Wonderous Gathering in an Era of Great Peace
72) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00163_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
73) Taipu chenyi 太僕陳儀 (Q00166_01_A): The Palace Coachmen Presents Gifts
74) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival
75) Tigao gebi 題糕阁筆 (Q00170_01_A): Laying Down One's Brush Out of Modesty
76) Wanfu youtong 萬福攸同 (Q00175_01_A): Good Fortune Ten Thousand Times
77) Wanfu youtong 萬福攸同 (Q00175_01_B): Good Fortune Ten Thousand Times
78) Wanfu youtong 萬福攸同 (Q00175_01_C): Good Fortune Ten Thousand Times
79) Wanhua xiangrong 萬花向榮 (Q00180_01_A): The Myriad Flowers Prosper
80) Wanhua xianrui 萬花獻瑞 (Q00182_01_A): The Myriad Flowers Offer Auspicious Portents
81) Wanhua xianrui 萬花獻瑞 (Q00182_01_B): The Myriad Flowers Offer Auspicious Portents
82) Wanzai tongchun 萬載同春 (Q00192_02_A): A Spring to Last Ten Thousand Years
83) Xianweng fanghe 仙翁放鶴 (Q00206_01_A): The Old Immortal Releases a Crane
84) Yafu yingxiang 迓福迎祥 (Q00211_01_A): Welcoming Blessings and Good Fortune
85) Yafu yingxiang 迓福迎祥 (Q00211_01_B): Welcoming Blessings and Good Fortune
86) Yafu yingxiang 迓福迎祥 (Q00211_01_C): Welcoming Blessings and Good Fortune
87) Yingnian xiansui 迎年献歳 (Q00216_01_A): Welcoming in the New Year
88) Yingzhou jiahua 瀛洲佳話 (Q00217_01_A): Anecdotes from Yingzhou
89) Yuanchen zhaorui 元辰肇瑞 (Q00219_01_A): The Auspicious Beginning of a New Year
90) Yuanri huanji 元日歡集 (Q00220_01_A): A Celebratory Gathering on New Year's Day
91) Yujia yanle 漁家言樂 (Q00221_01_A): The Fishermen Express their Joy
92) Yunü xianpen 玉女獻盆 (Q00223_01_A): The Jade Woman Presents a Pot
93) Jinxian zouyue 金仙奏樂 (Q00225_01_A): The Golden Immortals Play Music
94) Zhengze chengxian 正則成仙 (Q00229_01_A): Apotheosis is Reserved for the Righteous
95) Zhongmei feixia 衆美飛霞 (Q00232_01_B): The Divine Beauties Fly through the Sunset Clouds
96) Zhuixu Mianshan 追叙綿山 (Q00235_01_A): Remembering Mianshan
97) Zigu zhanfu 紫姑占福 (Q00236_01_A): Zigu Promises Good Fortune
98) Gaohuai yishui 髙懷沂水 (Q00319_01_A): Contemplating the Waters of Yi from a Height
99) Dongli xiao’ao 東籬嘯傲 (Q00374_01_A): Boisterous Verses from the Eastern Fence
100) Baihe xinchun 拜賀新春 (Q00390_01_A): Congratulating the New Spring
101) Wenren bogu 文人博古 (Q00391_01_A): The Broad Learning of Literati
102) Qunxing baihe 羣星拜賀 (Q00392_01_A): A Congratulatory Visit from the Many Stars
103) Dayan chenliao 大宴臣僚 (Q00393_01_A): A State Banquet
104) Sanwei ganying 三微感應 (Q00394_01_A): All the World Responds
105) Liesu guanghui 列宿光輝 (Q00395_01_A): The Constellations Shine
106) Ruyuan liangyin 如願良姻 (Q00397_01_A): A Fine and Pleasing Mariage
107) Changyin tusu 暢飲屠蘇 (Q00399_01_A): Quaffing Wine
108) Linzhi chengxiang 麟趾呈祥 (Q00401_01_A): A Unicorn's Foot Bodes Well
109) Zhaitan fuxiang 齋壇赴享 (Q00402_01_A): Abundance at the Altar
110) Fashi shucheng 法事舒誠 (Q00403_01_A): A Buddhist Ritual to Express Sincerity
111) Lingbu bafeng 令布八風 (Q00404_01_A): Unleashing the Eight Winds
112) Yinfen liulü 音分六律 (Q00405_01_A): The Six Notes of Music
113) Suyun zhaocai 素雲昭彩 (Q00406_01_A): Three Coloured Clouds Illuminated with Iridescence
114) Qirui xiangtan 奇瑞相談 (Q00407_01_A): A Conversation about the Strange and Auspicious
115) Lianfu ximin 斂福錫民 (Q00429_01_A): Collecting Good Fortune to Bestow on the People
116) Lianfu ximin 斂福錫民 (Q00429_01_B): Collecting Good Fortune to Bestow on the People
117) Xichao wuwei 喜朝五位 (Q00430_01_A): The Five Positions of the Rejoicing Court
118) Xichao wuwei 喜朝五位 (Q00430_01_B): The Five Positions of the Rejoicing Court
119) Xichao wuwei 喜朝五位 (Q00430_01_C): The Five Positions of the Rejoicing Court
120) Xichao wuwei 喜朝五位 (Q00430_01_D): The Five Positions of the Rejoicing Court
121) Yingshou duofu 膺受多福 (Q00431_01_B): Accepting Many Blessings
122) Haomeng chengxu 好夢成虛 (Q00505_01_A): Good Dreams Must End
123) Ximan menting 喜滿門庭 (Q00534_01_A): Joy Fills the Courtyard
124) Chenmin huangong 臣民歡共 (Q00536_01_A): The Ministers and the People Revel Together
125) Fuxi youtong 福喜攸同 (Q00537_01_A): Fortune and Joy
126) Jinwu chijin 金吾弛禁 (Q00538_01_A): The Release of Jinwu
127) Shangguo guanguang 上國觀光 (Q00539_01_A): Seeing the Sights of the Capital
128) Taiyi ganying 太乙感應 (Q00540_01_A): Taiyi Acts
129) Qingli xianyi 青藜顯異 (Q00541_01_A): An Unusual Appearance with a Tree Spinach Staff
130) Wandeng zouqiao 玩燈走橋 (Q00542_01_A): Admiring the Lanterns on the Bridge
131) Moding buyue 摸釘步月 (Q00543_01_A): A Moonlit Stroll while Praying for a Son
132) Sanyuan cifu 三元賜福 (Q00544_01_A): The Three Elements Bring Good Fortune
133) Chengxian huadeng 誠獻花燈 (Q00545_01_A): Humbly Presenting Festive Lanterns
134) Wuzu jiangshen 五祖降神 (Q00546_01_A): The Fifth Patriarch Brings the Gods to Heel
135) Cunmin xueyi 村民學藝 (Q00547_01_A): Villagers Study the Arts
136) Chaoyuan toupu 朝元偷譜 (Q00548_01_A): Musical Score Theft from the Chaoyuan Pavilion
137) Jiusi chuanming 酒肆傳名 (Q00549_01_A): Attaining Fame in a Tavern
138) Mengzheng jizao 蒙正祭竃 (Q00681_01_A): Lü Mengzheng makes an Offering to the Stove God