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1) Baoguang dian tianzhen zhu wanshou 寶光殿天眞祝萬壽 (M0001_01_A): The Divines Wish the Emperor Long Life at Baoguang Palace
2) Guankou erlang zhan jianjiao 灌口二郎斬健蛟 (M0006_01_A): Yang Jian Beheads the Robust Water Dragon
3) Jiang danchi sansheng qing changsheng 降丹墀三聖慶長生 (M0011_01_A): Three Sage Kings Descend by the Red Terrace, Celebrating Long Life
4) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A): The Sights of Guangling
5) Fulu tianchang 福祿天長 (Q00043_01_A): Everlasting Fortune and Prosperity
6) Heqing haiyan 河清海晏 (Q00061_01_A): Clear Rivers and Peaceful Seas
7) Jiazi tu 甲子圖 (Q00076_01_A): The Chart of the Sexagenary Cycle
8) Sihai qingning 四海清寧 (Q00155_01_A): Tranquil Peace over the Four Seas
9) Wanshou changsheng 萬壽長生 (Q00190_01_A): Long Life for Ten Thousand Years
10) Zhuxian zhugu 諸仙祝嘏 (Q00323_01_A): All the Immortals Present their Birthday Wishes
11) Zhuxian zhugu 諸仙祝嘏 (Q00323_01_B): All the Immortals Present their Birthday Wishes
12) Zhuxian zhugu 諸仙祝嘏 (Q00323_01_E): All the Immortals Present their Birthday Wishes
13) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00371_01_A): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
14) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00371_01_B): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
15) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00371_01_E): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
16) Tianbao jiuru 天保九如 (Q00414_01_A): May Heaven Grant the Emperor Long Life