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1) Taiping shengshi 太平勝事 (Q00162_01_A): The Wonders of an Era of Great Peace
2) Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_A): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
3) Sanwei ganying 三微感應 (Q00394_01_A): All the World Responds
4) Linzhi chengxiang 麟趾呈祥 (Q00401_01_A): A Unicorn's Foot Bodes Well
5) Shangguo guanguang 上國觀光 (Q00539_01_A): Seeing the Sights of the Capital
6) Wandeng zouqiao 玩燈走橋 (Q00542_01_A): Admiring the Lanterns on the Bridge
7) Wuzu jiangshen 五祖降神 (Q00546_01_A): The Fifth Patriarch Brings the Gods to Heel
8) Cunmin xueyi 村民學藝 (Q00547_01_A): Villagers Study the Arts
9) Baogong daji 報功大祭 (Q00572_01_A): A Ceremony to Bestow Honours
10) Caiyuan guangbu 財源廣布 (Q00582_01_A): Sources of Wealth Abound Far and Wide
11) Lianzuo chuien 蓮座垂恩 (Q00584_01_A): Grace Dangled from the Lotus Throne
12) Wugu fengdeng 五穀豐登 (Q00591_01_A): A Bumper Harvest of the Five Grains