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1) Erlangshen suo Qitiandasheng 二郎神鎖齊天大聖 (M0003_01_A): Yang Jian Locks up the Monkey King
2) He wanshou wulong chaosheng 賀萬壽五龍朝聖 (M0009_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Five Dragons Pay Homage to the Emperor
3) Huangmei weng cifu shang yannian 黃眉翁賜福上延年 (M0010_01_A): The Yellow Browed Elder Grants Good Fortune and Longevity
4) Qing dongzhi gongxiang taipingyan 慶冬至共享太平宴 (M0014_01_A): Celebrating the Winter Solstice, Enjoying a Peace Banquet Together
5) Zheng yuban baxian guo canghai 爭玉板八仙過滄海 (M0021_01_A): Fighting for the Jade Tablet, the Eight Immortals Cross the Wide Ocean
6) Zhu shengshou wanguo laichao 祝聖壽萬國來朝 (M0025_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
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9) Cirong yanqing 慈容衍慶 (Q00021_01_B): Compassionate Faces Pervade the Celebration
10) Cirong yanqing 慈容衍慶 (Q00021_01_C): Compassionate Faces Pervade the Celebration
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12) Daoli tian 忉利天 (Q00025_01_A): Trayastriṃśa
13) Kangqu le 康衢樂 (Q00085_01_A): Joy on Broad Avenues
14) Nanshan guimei 南山歸妹 (Q00105_01_A): A Maiden Weds on the Southern Mountain
15) Ruyuan yingxin 如願迎新 (Q00131_01_A): A Newcomer to Wish For
16) Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 (Q00135_01_A): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating the Moon, Enjoying the Lantern Festival
17) Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 (Q00135_01_B): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating the Moon, Enjoying the Lantern Festival
18) Shaohu jiucheng 韶頀九成 (Q00138_01_B): The Nine Variations of Court Music
19) Shiwei shoulu 式圍受祿 (Q00149_01_A): The Whole Empire is Recompensed
20) Sihai qingning 四海清寧 (Q00155_01_A): Tranquil Peace over the Four Seas
21) Taipu chenyi 太僕陳儀 (Q00166_01_A): The Palace Coachmen Presents Gifts
22) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival
23) Wanguo laichao 萬國來朝 (Q00177_01_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
24) Wanguo laichao 萬國來朝 (Q00177_01_B): The Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
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27) Dongxian gongzhu 洞仙共祝 (Q00413_01_A): The Daoist Immortals Celebrate Together
28) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00425_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
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30) Wanqi tengyun 萬騎騰雲 (Q00481_01_A): The Myriad Knights Ascend through the Clouds
31) Qifu baiyun 齊赴白雲 (Q00556_01_A): Heading for the White Clouds Together
32) Shengshi xianhua 聖師顯化 (Q00557_01_A): The Manifestations of Sage Masters
33) Ruiying huangchao 瑞應皇朝 (Q00559_01_A): The Imperial Court Meets with Auspicious Portents
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35) Feixiong yingzhao 飛熊應兆 (Q00565_01_A): The Flying Bear Confirms the Portent
36) Baogong daji 報功大祭 (Q00572_01_A): A Ceremony to Bestow Honours
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