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1) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
2) Taiping youxiang 太平有象 (Q00165_01_A): Portents of an Era of Great Peace
3) Taiping youxiang 太平有象 (Q00165_01_C): Portents of an Era of Great Peace
4) Taiping youxiang 太平有象 (Q00165_01_D): Portents of an Era of Great Peace
5) Taiping youxiang 太平有象 (Q00165_01_E): Portents of an Era of Great Peace
6) Taiping youxiang 太平有象 (Q00165_01_G): Portents of an Era of Great Peace
7) Huanxi yuhaoguang taiping youxiang 歡喜玉毫光太平有象 (Q00165_02_A): The Joyful Light of the Fine Hairs Between the Buddha's Eyebrows Brings Portents of Peace
8) Huanxi yuhaoguang taiping youxiang 歡喜玉毫光太平有象 (Q00165_02_B): The Joyful Light of the Fine Hairs Between the Buddha's Eyebrows Brings Portents of Peace
9) Huanxi yuhaoguang taiping youxiang 歡喜玉毫光太平有象 (Q00165_02_C): The Joyful Light of the Fine Hairs Between the Buddha's Eyebrows Brings Portents of Peace
10) Huanxi yuhaoguang taiping youxiang 歡喜玉毫光太平有象 (Q00165_02_D): The Joyful Light of the Fine Hairs Between the Buddha's Eyebrows Brings Portents of Peace
11) Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_A): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
12) Yanqing zhanli 延慶瞻禮 (Q00550_01_A): Paying Respects at the Banquet Celebration