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1) Caiju qinian 綵炬祈年 (Q00011_01_A): Coloured Torches at New Year
2) Chandao chuxie 闡道除邪 (Q00014_01_A): Exorcising by Expounding the Way
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5) Daoli tian 忉利天 (Q00025_01_A): Trayastriṃśa
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7) Dengyue jiaohui 燈月交輝 (Q00030_01_B): By the Light of the Lamps and the Moon
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11) Shangdeng wanyue xi yuanxiao 賞燈玩月喜元宵 (Q00135_01_B): Admiring the Lanterns, Appreciating the Moon, Enjoying the Lantern Festival
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16) Yingnian xiansui 迎年献歳 (Q00216_01_A): Welcoming in the New Year
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18) Zhengze chengxian 正則成仙 (Q00229_01_A): Apotheosis is Reserved for the Righteous
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35) Shenwei jingmeng 神威警夢 (Q00598_01_A): A God's Power Delivers a Cautionary Dream
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