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1) Zhu shengshou wanguo laichao 祝聖壽萬國來朝 (M0025_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
2) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A): The Sights of Guangling
3) Hunyuan he 混元盒 (Q00072_01_A): The Casket of Primoridial Chaos
4) Kangqu le 康衢樂 (Q00085_01_A): Joy on Broad Avenues
5) Laoren chengji 老人呈技 (Q00088_01_A): The Elderly Show their Tricks
6) Luyuan jieyuan 鹿苑結緣 (Q00099_01_A): A Fated Meeting in the Deer Park
7) Yingnian xiansui 迎年献歳 (Q00216_01_A): Welcoming in the New Year
8) Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_C): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
9) Changyin tusu 暢飲屠蘇 (Q00399_01_A): Quaffing Wine
10) Wannian jirui 萬年輯瑞 (Q00480_01_A): A Ten Thousand Years Greeting Ceremony
11) Daji yingchun 大吉迎春 (Q00581_01_A): An Auspicious Start to the Spring
12) Zhixin zhanli 志心瞻禮 (Q00585_01_A): Setting One's Heart on Paying Respects
13) Huaxian xiaoling 花仙効靈 (Q00588_01_A): The Flower Spirits Work their Magic
14) Yuanwei qiyu 元微奇遇 (Q00589_01_A): An Extraordinary Encounter at New Year
15) Tuxiang enrong 圖像恩榮 (Q00593_01_A): Honoured with a Portrait