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1) He wanshou wulong chaosheng 賀萬壽五龍朝聖 (M0009_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Five Dragons Pay Homage to the Emperor
2) Bailing xiaorui 百靈效瑞 (Q00004_01_A): All the Spirits Bring Good Fortune
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4) Fushou yannian 福壽延年 (Q00048_01_A): Fortune and Longevity Bring a New Lease of Life
5) Heqing haiyan 河清海晏 (Q00061_01_A): Clear Rivers and Peaceful Seas
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7) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
8) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_A): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
9) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_F): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
10) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_H): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
11) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_I): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
12) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_J): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
13) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_K): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
14) Sihai chengping wenxing chao jiangque 四海承平文星朝絳闕 (Q00156_02_A): The Four Seas Bear Peace, and the Star of Wenchang Faces the Scarlet Palace Gate
15) Wanfu youtong 萬福攸同 (Q00175_01_B): Good Fortune Ten Thousand Times
16) Wanfu youtong 萬福攸同 (Q00175_01_C): Good Fortune Ten Thousand Times
17) Wanfu youtong 萬福攸同 (Q00175_01_D): Good Fortune Ten Thousand Times
18) Tongsou huanying 童叟歡迎 (Q00367_01_A): Welcomed by Boys and Old Men
19) Dongxian gongzhu 洞仙共祝 (Q00413_01_A): The Daoist Immortals Celebrate Together
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