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1) Gan tiandi qunxian chaosheng 感天地羣仙朝聖 (M0005_01_A): The Myriad Immortals, Inspired by Heaven and Earth, Pay Homage to the Emperor
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4) He shengping qunxian zhushou 賀昇平羣仙祝壽 (M0008_01_A): In Celebration of Ascendant Peace, the Many Immortals Offer their Birthday Greetings
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15) Qixian shangxue 七賢賞雪 (Q00569_01_A): The Seven Sages Admire the Snow
16) Mengzheng jizao 蒙正祭竃 (Q00681_01_A): Lü Mengzheng makes an Offering to the Stove God
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