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1) Bafang xianghua 八方向化 (Q00001_01_A): All Quarters of the World Turn Towards Civilization
2) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_A): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
3) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_B): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
4) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_D): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
5) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_E): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
6) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_F): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
7) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_G): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
8) Changsheng lu 長生籙 (Q00016_01_A): The Register of Longevity
9) Jiuru gesong yuezou daluotian 九如歌頌樂奏大羅天 (Q00082_01_A): Performing the Song of Nine Wishes to the Daluo Heaven
10) Shentian xieqing 神天叶慶 (Q00145_01_A): The Divine Heavens Rejoice
11) Shiwei shoulu 式圍受祿 (Q00149_01_A): The Whole Empire is Recompensed
12) Sihai anlan 四海安瀾 (Q00154_01_A): The Four Seas are at Peace
13) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival
14) Tongsou huanying 童叟歡迎 (Q00367_01_A): Welcomed by Boys and Old Men
15) Yuma guichao 玉馬歸朝 (Q00379_01_A): The Jade Horses Return to the Palace
16) Zhaitan fuxiang 齋壇赴享 (Q00402_01_A): Abundance at the Altar
17) Tiankai shouyu 天開壽域 (Q00415_01_A): Heaven Extends the Limits of Longevity
18) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00425_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
19) Wanguo songhu 萬國嵩呼 (Q00425_02_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Thrice Hail the Emperor
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