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1) Guangchengzi zhuhe qitianshou 廣成子祝賀齊天壽 (M0007_01_A): Guang Chengzi Congratulates a Life Long Enough to Rival Heaven
2) Bi shou tu 比壽圖 (Q00009_01_A): The Immortals Vie for Seniority
3) Changsheng lu 長生籙 (Q00016_01_A): The Register of Longevity
4) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A): The Sights of Guangling
5) Dengyue jiaohui 燈月交輝 (Q00030_01_B): By the Light of the Lamps and the Moon
6) Jiuru gesong yuezou daluotian 九如歌頌樂奏大羅天 (Q00082_01_A): Performing the Song of Nine Wishes to the Daluo Heaven
7) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
8) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00163_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
9) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival
10) Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_C): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
11) Gaohuai yishui 髙懷沂水 (Q00319_01_A): Contemplating the Waters of Yi from a Height
12) Yuma guichao 玉馬歸朝 (Q00379_01_A): The Jade Horses Return to the Palace
13) Baihe xinchun 拜賀新春 (Q00390_01_A): Congratulating the New Spring
14) Wenren bogu 文人博古 (Q00391_01_A): The Broad Learning of Literati
15) Sanwei ganying 三微感應 (Q00394_01_A): All the World Responds
16) Yanqing zhanli 延慶瞻禮 (Q00550_01_A): Paying Respects at the Banquet Celebration
17) Huanjin jide 還金積德 (Q00551_01_A): Returning Gold to Earn Virtue
18) Hangcheng yuanye 杭城元夜 (Q00552_01_A): New Year's Eve in Hangzhou
19) Cainü chuqi 才女出奇 (Q00553_01_A): A Gifted Lady Displays her Talents
20) Qifu baiyun 齊赴白雲 (Q00556_01_A): Heading for the White Clouds Together
21) Qunxian dushi 羣仙度世 (Q00561_01_A): The Many Immortals Redeem the People of the World
22) Dongbin xiafan 洞賓下凡 (Q00562_01_A): Lü Dongbin Descends into the Realm of Mortals
23) Meiren rumeng 美人入夢 (Q00567_01_A): A Dream of a Beautiful Woman
24) Cuizhu jingjie 翠竹勁節 (Q00568_01_A): The Uncompromising Virtue of Jade Bamboo
25) Qixian shangxue 七賢賞雪 (Q00569_01_A): The Seven Sages Admire the Snow
26) Dongchu xifu 東廚錫福 (Q00575_01_A): The Kitchen God Extends Good Fortune
27) Rushi anpin 儒士安貧 (Q00577_01_A): The Confucian is Content in Poverty
28) Zangshen xiansheng 藏神顯聖 (Q00578_01_A): The Hidden Gods Bring Forth a Sage
29) Dayi bumei 大義不昧 (Q00586_01_A): Great Righteousness Undimmed
30) Huaxian xiaoling 花仙効靈 (Q00588_01_A): The Flower Spirits Work their Magic
31) Yuanwei qiyu 元微奇遇 (Q00589_01_A): An Extraordinary Encounter at New Year
32) Dengmen cisui 登門辭歲 (Q00590_01_A): Paying a Visit to See Out the Year
33) Wugu fengdeng 五穀豐登 (Q00591_01_A): A Bumper Harvest of the Five Grains
34) Yankai baijiu 筵開栢酒 (Q00595_01_A): Oak Wine at the Banquet
35) Qinghe chuxi 慶賀除夕 (Q00596_01_A): Celebrating New Year's Eve
36) Siwen yadiao 斯文雅調 (Q00597_01_A): Polite Prose and Refined Music
37) Shenwei jingmeng 神威警夢 (Q00598_01_A): A God's Power Delivers a Cautionary Dream
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