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Entity Type
Entity Category
1) Bian Dongxuan mudao shengxian 邊洞玄慕道昇仙 (M0002_01_A): Bian Dongxuan, in Pursuing the Dao, Becomes an Immortal
2) Erlangshen suo Qitiandasheng 二郎神鎖齊天大聖 (M0003_01_A)
3) Guankou erlang zhan jianjiao 灌口二郎斬健蛟 (M0006_01_A)
4) Qing dongzhi gongxiang taipingyan 慶冬至共享太平宴 (M0014_01_A)
5) Bafang xianghua 八方向化 (Q00001_01_A): All Quarters of the World Turn Towards Civilization
6) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_A)
7) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_B)
8) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_D)
9) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_E)
10) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_F)
11) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_G)
12) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A)
13) Hunyuan he 混元盒 (Q00072_01_A)
14) Jiuru gesong yuezou daluotian 九如歌頌樂奏大羅天 (Q00082_01_A)
15) Qunxian qinghe 羣仙慶賀 (Q00119_01_A)
16) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A)
17) Yuma guichao 玉馬歸朝 (Q00379_01_A)
Analytical Groups
Foreign Records
1) An Entry on the Twentieth Day 二十日 (KY00017B)
2) An Entry on the Twenty-seventh Day (gengwu) 二十七日庚午 (KY00030B)
3) An Entry on the Twenty-first Day (yisi) of the Second Month of the Year kuisi (1713) (癸巳二月)二十一日己巳 (KY00042D)
4) An Entry on the Twenty-third Day (of the Sixth Month of the Second Year of the Chŏngjo reign period) (1778) (正祖二年六月)二十三日 (KY00044B)