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1) Baihua xianshou 百花獻壽 (Q00003_01_A): A Hundred Flowers Presented for the Birthday Celebration
2) Baihua xianshou 百花獻壽 (Q00003_01_B): A Hundred Flowers Presented for the Birthday Celebration
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4) Tianchou chengqing 添籌稱慶 (Q00007_02_A): Expressing Congratulations for Reaching a Grand Age
5) Changsheng zhushou 長生祝壽 (Q00017_01_A): Birthday Wishes of Longevity
6) Chuntai xieqing 春臺叶慶 (Q00019_01_A): A Celebration Together on the Spring Terrace
7) Fengsui gubao 豐綏榖寳 (Q00039_01_A): The Riches of the Harvest
8) Fushou mianchang 福壽綿長 (Q00045_01_A): Continual Fortune and Longevity
9) Lingshan chengqing 靈山稱慶 (Q00045_02_A): Expressing Congratulations on a Sacred Mountain
10) Fushou shuangxi 福壽雙喜 (Q00047_01_A): The Twofold Joys of Fortune and Longevity
11) Fushou shuangxi 福壽雙喜 (Q00047_01_B): The Twofold Joys of Fortune and Longevity
12) Fushou yannian 福壽延年 (Q00048_01_A): Fortune and Longevity Bring a New Lease of Life
13) Gongzhu wujiang 恭祝無疆 (Q00050_01_A): Boundless Greetings
14) Goumang zhanjing 勾芒展敬 (Q00051_01_A): Gou Mang Expresses his Respect
15) Heqing haiyan 河清海晏 (Q00061_01_A): Clear Rivers and Peaceful Seas
16) Jiaobai tusu 椒柏屠蘓 (Q00075_01_A): Liquor at New Year
17) Jichou wufu 箕疇五福 (Q00077_01_A): The Nine Laws and Five Blessings
18) Jingxing xieqing 景星協慶 (Q00078_01_A): The Auspicious Stars Celebrate Together
19) Jingxing xieqing 景星協慶 (Q00078_01_B): The Auspicious Stars Celebrate Together
20) Landian chengxiang 蘭殿呈祥 (Q00087_01_A): Things Bode Well at the Palace
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22) Leshou changsheng 樂壽長生 (Q00089_01_A): Delighting in Long Life
23) Lingxian zhushou 靈仙祝壽 (Q00091_01_A): The Immortals Send Birthday Wishes
24) Fulushou deng 福祿壽燈 (Q00091_02_A): Lamps of Fortune, Prosperity, and Longevity
25) Nanji zenghui 南極增輝 (Q00103_01_A): The Southern Star Shines Brighter
26) Nanji zengshou 南極增壽 (Q00104_01_A): The Southern Star Bestows Extra Years of Life
27) Ping’an ruyi 平安如意 (Q00109_01_A): Peace, As You Like It
28) Riyue yingxiang 日月迎祥 (Q00125_01_A): The Sun and Moon Welcome Auspiciousness
29) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
30) Guadie mianchang 瓜瓞綿長 (Q00128_01_A): An Unbroken Family Line
31) Guadie mianmian 瓜瓞緜綿 (Q00128_02_A): A Continuous Family Line
32) Shengping jiqing 昇平集慶 (Q00141_01_A): Gathering to Celebrate Ascending Peace
33) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_A): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
34) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_B): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
35) Shenzhi yihui dou fangyan 神芝異卉闘芳妍 (Q00147_01_A): Divine Plants and Supernatural Grasses Compete in Fragrant Beauty
36) Shoushan chengrui 壽山呈瑞 (Q00150_01_A): The Mountain of Longevity Brings Auspiciousness
37) Shoushan chengrui 壽山呈瑞 (Q00150_01_B): The Mountain of Longevity Brings Auspiciousness
38) Sihai qingning 四海清寧 (Q00155_01_A): Tranquil Peace over the Four Seas
39) Taiping leshi tici 太平樂事題詞 (Q00160_02_A): Joyous Matters in the Era of Great Peace (Inscription)
40) Wanfu youtong 萬福攸同 (Q00175_01_C): Good Fortune Ten Thousand Times
41) Wanfu yunji 萬福雲集 (Q00176_01_A): A Myriad Fortunes Gather Like Clouds
42) Wanfu yunji 萬福雲集 (Q00176_01_B): A Myriad Fortunes Gather Like Clouds
43) Wanhua xianrui 萬花獻瑞 (Q00182_01_A): The Myriad Flowers Offer Auspicious Portents
44) Wanshou changchun 萬壽長春 (Q00189_01_A): Everlasting Spring for Ten Thousand Years
45) Wanshou changchun 萬壽長春 (Q00189_01_B): Everlasting Spring for Ten Thousand Years
46) Wanshou changsheng 萬壽長生 (Q00190_01_A): Long Life for Ten Thousand Years
47) Wanshou tongchun 萬壽同春 (Q00192_01_A): A Spring to Last a Ten Thousand Year Life
48) Wanshou xiangkai 萬壽祥開 (Q00195_01_A): Birthday Blessings for the Emperor
49) Xiangzheng renshou 祥徵仁壽 (Q00204_01_A): Benevolence and Longevity Bode Well
50) Xingwei derui 行圍得瑞 (Q00208_01_A): An Auspicious Event during the Hunt
51) Xingwei derui, xianwu chengshang 行圍得瑞、獻舞稱觴 (Q00208_02_A): An Auspicious Event during the Hunt; A Dance to Accompany the Wine
52) Xiqia xianghe 喜洽祥和 (Q00209_01_A): Good Fortune and Harmony Brings Joy
53) Yuting jifu 虞庭集福 (Q00224_01_A): Abundant Blessings upon the Court of Yu
54) Zhimei jieshou 芝眉介壽 (Q00230_01_A): Birthday Celebrations of a Beautiful Woman
55) Yingluan xinqu (juanshou) 迎鑾新曲 (卷首) (Q00373_01_A): New Songs to Welcome His Majesty (Frontmatter)
56) Jixing xieqing 吉星叶慶 (Q00410_01_A): A Celebration Beneath Auspicious Stars
57) Wanshou wujiang 萬壽無疆 (Q00412_01_A): Everlasting Life
58) Dongxian gongzhu 洞仙共祝 (Q00413_01_A): The Daoist Immortals Celebrate Together
59) Tianbao jiuru 天保九如 (Q00414_01_A): May Heaven Grant the Emperor Long Life
60) Tiankai shouyu 天開壽域 (Q00415_01_A): Heaven Extends the Limits of Longevity
61) Wanhua zhengyan 萬花爭艷 (Q00504_01_A): The Myriad Flowers Compete for Beauty
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