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1) He wanshou wulong chaosheng 賀萬壽五龍朝聖 (M0009_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Five Dragons Pay Homage to the Emperor
2) Jiang danchi sansheng qing changsheng 降丹墀三聖慶長生 (M0011_01_A): Three Sage Kings Descend by the Red Terrace, Celebrating Long Life
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11) Pantao shangshou 蟠桃上壽 (Q00108_01_A): The Life-Lengthening Coiled Peach
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13) Ruiying sanxing 瑞應三星 (Q00130_01_A): Auspicious Portents from the Three Stars
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16) Siling xiaozheng 四靈効徵 (Q00409_01_A): The Four Spirits Prove Effective
17) Jixing xieqing 吉星叶慶 (Q00410_01_A): A Celebration Beneath Auspicious Stars
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