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1) He wanshou wulong chaosheng 賀萬壽五龍朝聖 (M0009_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Five Dragons Pay Homage to the Emperor
2) Huangmei weng cifu shang yannian 黃眉翁賜福上延年 (M0010_01_A): The Yellow Browed Elder Grants Good Fortune and Longevity
3) Zhong tianxian qinghe changsheng hui 衆天仙慶賀長生會 (M0022_01_A): The Many Immortals of Heaven Celebrate a Birthday
4) Bailing xiaorui 百靈效瑞 (Q00004_01_A): All the Spirits Bring Good Fortune
5) Bailing xiaorui 百靈效瑞 (Q00004_01_C): All the Spirits Bring Good Fortune
6) Bi shou tu 比壽圖 (Q00009_01_A): The Immortals Vie for Seniority
7) Changsheng lu 長生籙 (Q00016_01_A): The Register of Longevity
8) Fengsui gubao 豐綏榖寳 (Q00039_01_A): The Riches of the Harvest
9) Heqing haiyan 河清海晏 (Q00061_01_A): Clear Rivers and Peaceful Seas
10) Hunyuan he 混元盒 (Q00072_01_A): The Casket of Primoridial Chaos
11) Jiazi tu 甲子圖 (Q00076_01_A): The Chart of the Sexagenary Cycle
12) Shuang fushou 雙福壽 (Q00153_01_A): A Birthday of Dual Fortune
13) Qunxian zhufu 群仙祝福 (Q00519_01_A): The Many Immortals Wish for Good Fortune
14) Pantao chushou 蟠桃初熟 (Q00526_01_A): The Coiled Peach is Just Ripe
15) Dongbin xiafan 洞賓下凡 (Q00562_01_A): Lü Dongbin Descends into the Realm of Mortals
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