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1) Changsheng lu 長生籙 (Q00016_01_A): The Register of Longevity
2) Fulushou deng 福祿壽燈 (Q00042_01_A): Lamps of Fortune, Prosperity, and Longevity
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4) Shouzhu wannian 壽祝萬年 (Q00042_03_A): Birthday Wishes for Ten Thousand Years
5) Fushou yannian 福壽延年 (Q00048_01_A): Fortune and Longevity Bring a New Lease of Life
6) Landian chengxiang 蘭殿呈祥 (Q00087_01_A): Things Bode Well at the Palace
7) Landian chengxiang, yaotian yazou 蘭殿呈祥、堯天雅奏 (Q00087_02_A): Things Bode Well at the Palace - A Refined Performance for a Thriving Age
8) Guadie mianchang 瓜瓞綿長 (Q00128_01_A): An Unbroken Family Line
9) Guadie mianmian 瓜瓞緜綿 (Q00128_02_A): A Continuous Family Line
10) Shengping rui 昇平瑞 (Q00142_01_A): Auspicious Portents of Ascending Peace
11) Shuang fushou 雙福壽 (Q00153_01_A): A Birthday of Dual Fortune
12) Wanshou pantao 萬壽蟠桃 (Q00191_01_A): The Coiled Peach of Eternal Life
13) Wanshou pantao 萬壽蟠桃 (Q00191_01_B): The Coiled Peach of Eternal Life
14) Wanshou xiangkai 萬壽祥開 (Q00195_01_A): Birthday Blessings for the Emperor
15) Xianyun yanling 仙醖延齡 (Q00201_01_A): Divine Liquor Lengthens Life
16) Xianyun yanling 仙醖延齡 (Q00201_01_C): Divine Liquor Lengthens Life
17) Yuting jifu 虞庭集福 (Q00224_01_A): Abundant Blessings upon the Court of Yu
18) Jinmu xianhuan 金母獻環 (Q00359_01_A): The Golden Mother Presents a Bracelet
19) Jinmu xianhuan 金母獻環 (Q00359_01_B): The Golden Mother Presents a Bracelet
20) Wanshou wujiang 萬壽無疆 (Q00412_01_A): Everlasting Life
21) Tianren puqing 天人普慶 (Q00506_01_A): Heaven and Man Rejoice Together
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