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1) Jiang danchi sansheng qing changsheng 降丹墀三聖慶長生 (M0011_01_A): Three Sage Kings Descend by the Red Terrace, Celebrating Long Life
2) Lü Chunyang dianhua du huanglong 呂純陽點化度黃龍 (M0013_01_A): Lü Chunyang tames the Yellow Dragon
3) Zhu shengshou Jinmu xian pantao 祝聖壽金母獻蟠桃 (M0024_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, Jinmu Presents a Coiled Peach
4) Zhong qunxian qingshang pantaohui 衆羣仙慶賞蟠桃會 (M0104_01_A): The Many Immortals Celebrate at the Coiled Peach Banquet
5) Haiyu ge'en 海宇歌恩 (Q00056_01_A): All the Nation Sings its Blessings
6) Haiyu ge'en 海宇歌恩 (Q00056_01_C): All the Nation Sings its Blessings
7) Haiyu ge'en 海宇歌恩 (Q00056_01_D): All the Nation Sings its Blessings
8) Qunxian zhushou 羣仙祝壽 (Q00120_01_A): The Many Immortals Give Birthday Wishes
9) Wanshou tu 萬壽圖 (Q00193_01_A): A Birthday Portrait
10) Tongsou huanying 童叟歡迎 (Q00367_01_A): Welcomed by Boys and Old Men
11) Yuma guichao 玉馬歸朝 (Q00379_01_A): The Jade Horses Return to the Palace
12) Kangqu xinyuefu xu 康衢新樂府序 (Q00678_01_A): New Ballades from the Broad Avenues (Preface)