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1) Zhu shengshou wanguo laichao 祝聖壽萬國來朝 (M0025_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
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8) Shaohu jiucheng 韶頀九成 (Q00138_01_A): The Nine Variations of Court Music
9) Shengping rui 昇平瑞 (Q00142_01_A): Auspicious Portents of Ascending Peace
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12) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_H): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
13) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_J): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
14) Sihai shengping 四海昇平 (Q00156_01_K): Ascendant Peace over the Four Seas
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17) Wanshou tu 萬壽圖 (Q00193_01_A): A Birthday Portrait
18) Yuting jifu 虞庭集福 (Q00224_01_A): Abundant Blessings upon the Court of Yu
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