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1) Baoguang dian tianzhen zhu wanshou 寶光殿天眞祝萬壽 (M0001_01_A): The Divines Wish the Emperor Long Life at Baoguang Palace
2) Feng tianming Sanbao xia xiyang 奉天命三保下西洋 (M0004_01_A): By Imperial Command, Zheng Sanbao Sets Sail for the Western Oceans
3) Gan tiandi qunxian chaosheng 感天地羣仙朝聖 (M0005_01_A): The Myriad Immortals, Inspired by Heaven and Earth, Pay Homage to the Emperor
4) He shengping qunxian zhushou 賀昇平羣仙祝壽 (M0008_01_A): In Celebration of Ascendant Peace, the Many Immortals Offer their Birthday Greetings
5) He wanshou wulong chaosheng 賀萬壽五龍朝聖 (M0009_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Five Dragons Pay Homage to the Emperor
6) Huangmei weng cifu shang yannian 黃眉翁賜福上延年 (M0010_01_A): The Yellow Browed Elder Grants Good Fortune and Longevity
7) Qing dongzhi gongxiang taipingyan 慶冬至共享太平宴 (M0014_01_A): Celebrating the Winter Solstice, Enjoying a Peace Banquet Together
8) Qing qianqiu Jinmu he yannian 慶千秋金母賀延年 (M0015_01_A): Celebrating the Imperial Birthday, the Golden Mother Congratulates a Life Extended
9) Zheng yuban baxian guo canghai 爭玉板八仙過滄海 (M0021_01_A): Fighting for the Jade Tablet, the Eight Immortals Cross the Wide Ocean
10) Zhong tianxian qinghe changsheng hui 衆天仙慶賀長生會 (M0022_01_A): The Many Immortals of Heaven Celebrate a Birthday
11) Zhu shengshou Jinmu xian pantao 祝聖壽金母獻蟠桃 (M0024_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, Jinmu Presents a Coiled Peach
12) Zhu shengshou wanguo laichao 祝聖壽萬國來朝 (M0025_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
13) Ziwei gong qinghe zhangchun jie 紫微宮慶賀長春節 (M0026_01_A): Celebrating the Festival of Everlasting Spring in the Ziwei Enclosure
14) Bailing xiaorui 百靈效瑞 (Q00004_01_A): All the Spirits Bring Good Fortune
15) Bailing xiaorui 百靈效瑞 (Q00004_01_C): All the Spirits Bring Good Fortune
16) Baizi chengxiang 百子呈祥 (Q00005_01_A): The Hundred Sons Bode Well
17) Chuntai xieqing 春臺叶慶 (Q00019_01_A): A Celebration Together on the Spring Terrace
18) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A): The Sights of Guangling
19) Fengsui gubao 豐綏榖寳 (Q00039_01_A): The Riches of the Harvest
20) Fugui changchun 富貴長春 (Q00041_01_A): Rich, Noble, and Forever Young
21) Fushou yannian 福壽延年 (Q00048_01_A): Fortune and Longevity Bring a New Lease of Life
22) Hongsi xieji 紅絲協吉 (Q00063_01_A): Red Twine Augurs Well
23) Huanyu xianning 寰宇咸寧 (Q00068_01_A): All in the World is at Peace
24) Kangqu le 康衢樂 (Q00085_01_A): Joy on Broad Avenues
25) Fulushou deng 福祿壽燈 (Q00091_02_A): Lamps of Fortune, Prosperity, and Longevity
26) Luohan duhai 羅漢渡海 (Q00097_01_A): The Arhat Crosses the Ocean
27) Qunxian qinghe 羣仙慶賀 (Q00119_01_A): The Many Immortals Express Congratulations
28) Qunxian zhushou 羣仙祝壽 (Q00120_01_A): The Many Immortals Give Birthday Wishes
29) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
30) Shanling ruiying 山靈瑞應 (Q00137_01_A): Auspicious Portents of the Mountain Spirits
31) Wanfu jiqing 萬福集慶 (Q00141_02_A): A Festive Gathering and Myriad Fortunes
32) Shoushan fuhai 壽山福海 (Q00151_01_A): The Mountain of Longevity and the Ocean of Good Fortune
33) Sihai anlan 四海安瀾 (Q00154_01_A): The Four Seas are at Peace
34) Wanshou xiangkai 萬壽祥開 (Q00195_01_A): Birthday Blessings for the Emperor
35) Xiangzhi yingshou 祥芝迎壽 (Q00205_01_A): Propitious Ganoderma Welcomes Longevity
36) Yuting jifu 虞庭集福 (Q00224_01_A): Abundant Blessings upon the Court of Yu
37) Jinxian zouyue 金仙奏樂 (Q00225_01_A): The Golden Immortals Play Music
38) Wenming yinghou 文明應候 (Q00356_01_A): The Timely Arrival of Civilisation
39) Qunxing baihe 羣星拜賀 (Q00392_01_A): A Congratulatory Visit from the Many Stars
40) Siling xiaozheng 四靈効徵 (Q00409_01_A): The Four Spirits Prove Effective
41) Wanshou wujiang 萬壽無疆 (Q00412_01_A): Everlasting Life
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