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1) Hongxi riyong 鴻禧日永 (Q00065_01_A): Long Days of Swan Blessings
2) Jiuru gesong yuezou daluotian 九如歌頌樂奏大羅天 (Q00082_01_A): Performing the Song of Nine Wishes to the Daluo Heaven
3) Niannian kangtai 年年康泰 (Q00106_01_A): Healthy and Safe, Year after Year
4) Qiyao hui dongyuan 七曜會東垣 (Q00117_01_A): A Meeting of the Seven Luminaries at the Eastern Wall
5) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival
6) Wuyun long beique 五雲籠北闕 (Q00200_01_A): Five Clouds Envelop the North Gate
7) Quanshan jinke Book 1, juan 1, acts 1 and 2 勸善金科第一本卷上第一齣、第二齣 (Q00237_01_A): The Law of Doing Good
8) Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_C): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
9) Qunxing baihe 羣星拜賀 (Q00392_01_A): A Congratulatory Visit from the Many Stars
10) Tianbao jiuru 天保九如 (Q00414_01_A): May Heaven Grant the Emperor Long Life
11) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00425_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
12) Wanguo songhu 萬國嵩呼 (Q00425_02_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Thrice Hail the Emperor
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