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1) Bafang xianghua 八方向化 (Q00001_01_A): All Quarters of the World Turn Towards Civilization
2) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A): The Sights of Guangling
3) Demen huanyan 德門歡讌 (Q00027_01_A): A Joyous Banquet at the Gate of Virtue
4) Duixue tishi 對雪題詩 (Q00036_01_A): Composing Poetry on the Theme of Snow
5) Duixue tishi 對雪題詩 (Q00036_01_B): Composing Poetry on the Theme of Snow
6) Hejie huixie 賀節詼諧 (Q00060_01_A): Celebrating the New Year with Humour
7) Hunyuan he 混元盒 (Q00072_01_A): The Casket of Primoridial Chaos
8) Kaiyan chengqing 開筵稱慶 (Q00084_01_A): A Celebratory Banquet
9) Yimen wufu 一門五福 (Q00214_01_A): Five Blessings for One Household
10) Zaochun chaohe 早春朝賀 (Q00227_01_A): Congratulating the Emperor in the Early Spring
11) Wenming yinghou 文明應候 (Q00356_01_A): The Timely Arrival of Civilisation
12) Baihe xinchun 拜賀新春 (Q00390_01_A): Congratulating the New Spring
13) Ximan menting 喜滿門庭 (Q00534_01_A): Joy Fills the Courtyard
14) Chenmin huangong 臣民歡共 (Q00536_01_A): The Ministers and the People Revel Together
15) Wandeng zouqiao 玩燈走橋 (Q00542_01_A): Admiring the Lanterns on the Bridge
16) Moding buyue 摸釘步月 (Q00543_01_A): A Moonlit Stroll while Praying for a Son
17) Qifu baiyun 齊赴白雲 (Q00556_01_A): Heading for the White Clouds Together
18) Shengshi xianhua 聖師顯化 (Q00557_01_A): The Manifestations of Sage Masters
19) Luwei qifeng 祿位齊豐 (Q00579_01_A): A Bounteous Salary and a High Position
20) Dengmen cisui 登門辭歲 (Q00590_01_A): Paying a Visit to See Out the Year
21) Yankai baijiu 筵開栢酒 (Q00595_01_A): Oak Wine at the Banquet