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Mythical Places
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Places (China)
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1) CG00077 - 採桑女 (People: Generic Cast)
2) CG00080 - 農夫 (People: Generic Cast)
3) CG00183 - 漁户 (People: Generic Cast)
4) CG00238 - 漁父 (People: Generic Cast)
5) CG00413 - 牧童 (People: Generic Cast)
6) CG00414 - 樵子 (People: Generic Cast)
7) CG00492 - 百𡻕荘農 (People: Generic Cast)
8) CG00539 - 漁婆 (People: Generic Cast)
9) CG00542 - 獵戶 (People: Generic Cast)
10) CG00543 - 唱秧歌人 (People: Generic Cast)
11) CG00584 - 老農 (People: Generic Cast)
12) CG00609 - 漁公 (People: Generic Cast)
13) CG00944 - 園客夫婦 (People: Generic Cast)
14) CG01379 - 農婦 (People: Generic Cast)
15) CG01380 - 漁翁 (People: Generic Cast)
16) CG01381 - 漁婦 (People: Generic Cast)
17) CG01483 - 蠶女 (People: Generic Cast)
1) Shi zhenren sisheng suo baiyuan 時真人四聖鎖白猿 (M0017_01_A): Adept Shi and the Four Sages Imprison the White Ape
2) Caiju qinian 綵炬祈年 (Q00011_01_A): Coloured Torches at New Year
3) Changsha qiuzi 長沙求子 (Q00015_01_A): Praying for a Son at Changsha Temple
4) Changsha qiuzi 長沙求子 (Q00015_01_B): Praying for a Son at Changsha Temple
5) Daoli tian 忉利天 (Q00025_01_A): Trayastriṃśa
6) Jiaobai tusu 椒柏屠蘓 (Q00075_01_A): Liquor at New Year
7) Ruixian tiantai 瑞獻天台 (Q00126_01_A): Auspicious Portents on the Heavenly Terrace
8) Ruixian tiantai 瑞獻天台 (Q00126_01_C): Auspicious Portents on the Heavenly Terrace
9) Sihai qingning 四海清寧 (Q00155_01_A): Tranquil Peace over the Four Seas
10) Taiping leshi 太平樂事 (Q00160_01_A): Joyous Matters in the Era of Great Peace
11) Xianyun yanling 仙醖延齡 (Q00201_01_A): Divine Liquor Lengthens Life
12) Xianyun yanling 仙醖延齡 (Q00201_01_C): Divine Liquor Lengthens Life
13) Xiangzheng bingjian 祥徵氷繭 (Q00202_01_A): The Pristine Silkworm Cocoons Bode Well
14) Xiangzheng bingjian 祥徵氷繭 (Q00202_01_C): The Pristine Silkworm Cocoons Bode Well
15) Xiangzheng bingjian 祥徵氷繭 (Q00202_01_D): The Pristine Silkworm Cocoons Bode Well
16) Yujia yanle 漁家言樂 (Q00221_01_A): The Fishermen Express their Joy
17) Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_A): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
18) Zhangyou gefeng 長幼歌風 (Q00365_01_A): Young and Old Sing into the Wind
19) Zhangyou gefeng 長幼歌風 (Q00365_01_B): Young and Old Sing into the Wind
20) Tongsou huanying 童叟歡迎 (Q00367_01_A): Welcomed by Boys and Old Men
21) Wanbao lüfeng 萬寶屢豐 (Q00472_01_A): The Myriad Treasures are Regularly Replenished
22) Tianren puqing 天人普慶 (Q00506_01_A): Heaven and Man Rejoice Together
23) Huanjin jide 還金積德 (Q00551_01_A): Returning Gold to Earn Virtue