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Mythical Places
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Places (China)
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1) CN00637 - 嶽神 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
2) CN00638 - 北岳大帝 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
3) CN00639 - 泰山之神 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
4) CN00640 - 西岳 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
5) CN00641 - 南岳 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
6) CN00642 - 恒山之神 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
7) CN00643 - 中岳嵩山之神 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
8) CN00644 - 江凟之神 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
9) CN00645 - 靈源弘濟王 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
10) CN00646 - 淮凟之神 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
11) CN00647 - 淸源通濟王 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
12) CN00648 - 四凟諸神 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
13) CN01832 - 大河之神 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
14) CN01833 - 河嵩神 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
1) Guangchengzi zhuhe qitianshou 廣成子祝賀齊天壽 (M0007_01_A): Guang Chengzi Congratulates a Life Long Enough to Rival Heaven
2) He wanshou wulong chaosheng 賀萬壽五龍朝聖 (M0009_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Five Dragons Pay Homage to the Emperor
3) Jiang danchi sansheng qing changsheng 降丹墀三聖慶長生 (M0011_01_A): Three Sage Kings Descend by the Red Terrace, Celebrating Long Life
4) Taiyixian yeduan taofu ji 太乙仙夜斷桃符記 (M0018_01_A): A Record of the Immortal Taiyi Breaking the Peach Charm at Night
5) Zhong shensheng qinghe yuanxiao jie 衆神聖慶賀元宵節 (M0023_01_A): The Many Gods and Sages Celebrate the Lantern Festival
6) Hesongshen lingzhi qingshou 河嵩神靈芝慶壽 (M0106_01_A): The Deities of the Great River and Song Mountain Celebrate a Birthday with Sacred Ganoderma
7) Baizi chengxiang 百子呈祥 (Q00005_01_A): The Hundred Sons Bode Well
8) Changsheng lu 長生籙 (Q00016_01_A): The Register of Longevity
9) Gufo chaotian 古佛朝天 (Q00053_01_A): The Ancient Buddha Gazes up at the Son of Heaven
10) Hongqiao xian dahai 虹橋現大海 (Q00062_01_A): A Rainbow Appears Above the Ocean
11) Jichou wufu 箕疇五福 (Q00077_01_A): The Nine Laws and Five Blessings
12) Jinting zoushi 金庭奏事 (Q00079_01_A): Addressing the Emperor at the Golden Court
13) Jiuru gesong yuezou daluotian 九如歌頌樂奏大羅天 (Q00082_01_A): Performing the Song of Nine Wishes to the Daluo Heaven
14) Kangqu le 康衢樂 (Q00085_01_A): Joy on Broad Avenues
15) Pantao shangshou 蟠桃上壽 (Q00108_01_A): The Life-Lengthening Coiled Peach
16) Qunxian zhushou 羣仙祝壽 (Q00120_01_A): The Many Immortals Give Birthday Wishes
17) Shanling ruiying 山靈瑞應 (Q00137_01_A): Auspicious Portents of the Mountain Spirits
18) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_A): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
19) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_B): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
20) Shoushan chengrui 壽山呈瑞 (Q00150_01_A): The Mountain of Longevity Brings Auspiciousness
21) Shoushan chengrui 壽山呈瑞 (Q00150_01_B): The Mountain of Longevity Brings Auspiciousness
22) Shuang fushou 雙福壽 (Q00153_01_A): A Birthday of Dual Fortune
23) Wanguo tihang 萬國梯航 (Q00179_01_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Cross Mountains and Seas
24) Wanguo tihang 萬國梯航 (Q00179_01_B): The Myriad Kingdoms Cross Mountains and Seas
25) Wanshou changsheng 萬壽長生 (Q00190_01_A): Long Life for Ten Thousand Years
26) Yidi chengtu 益地呈圖 (Q00511_01_A): Presenting a Map of the New Territories
27) Dongbin xiafan 洞賓下凡 (Q00562_01_A): Lü Dongbin Descends into the Realm of Mortals