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Mythical Places
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Places (China)
Stage Objects
1) CN00043 - 嘉靖帝 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
2) CN00058 - 徐景昌 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
3) CN00059 - 房寛 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
4) CN00060 - 陳懋 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
5) CN00061 - 蹇義 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
6) CN00062 - 夏元吉 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
7) CN00063 - 鄭三保 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
8) CN00064 - 王景弘 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
9) CN00065 - 曹銓 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
10) CN00069 - 陳瑄 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
11) CN00142 - 張鳳翼 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
12) CN00268 - 隆慶 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
13) CN00311 - 文彭 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
14) CN00313 - 文徵明 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
15) CN00314 - 文震孟 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
16) CN00317 - 陸師道 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
17) CN00318 - 陳道復 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
18) CN00319 - 王穀祥 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
19) CN00320 - 彭年 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
20) CN00321 - 周天球 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
21) CN00322 - 錢穀 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
22) CN00420 - 子京 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
23) CN01091 - 冲虚子 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
24) CN01457 - 陳大聲 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
25) CN01460 - 錢塘後學洪昇 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
26) CN01462 - 劉仲修 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
27) CN01465 - 東臯 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
28) CN01467 - 管通 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
29) CN01711 - 桂蕚 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
30) CN01712 - 楊廷和 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
31) CN01713 - 徐階 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
32) CN01714 - 喬宇 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
33) CN01715 - 席書 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
34) CN01716 - 楊一清 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
35) CN01717 - 顏頤壽 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
36) CN01861 - 永樂皇帝 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
37) CN01923 - 沈德符 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
38) CN01925 - 尤侗 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
39) OC00153 - 隆慶 (Occasion: Occasions)
40) OC00154 - 成化 (Occasion: Occasions)
1) Feng tianming Sanbao xia xiyang 奉天命三保下西洋 (M0004_01_A): By Imperial Command, Zheng Sanbao Sets Sail for the Western Oceans
2) Qing qianqiu Jinmu he yannian 慶千秋金母賀延年 (M0015_01_A): Celebrating the Imperial Birthday, the Golden Mother Congratulates a Life Extended
3) Taiping leshi 太平樂事 (M0027_01_A): Joyous Matters in the Era of Great Peace
4) Zhuge Liang Bowang shaotun 諸葛亮博望燒屯 (M0036_01_A): Zhuge Liang Burns his Base at Bowang
5) Bafang xianghua 八方向化 (Q00001_01_A): All Quarters of the World Turn Towards Civilization
6) Deng’gao lansheng 登高覽勝 (Q00028_01_A): Climbing High to View the Scenery
7) Qingshou wannian 慶壽萬年 (Q00042_02_A): A Birthday Celebration for Ten Thousand Years
8) Hunyuan he 混元盒 (Q00072_01_A): The Casket of Primoridial Chaos
9) Qianxian bufu 遣仙佈福 (Q00111_01_A): The Immortals are Dispatched to Spread Good Fortune
10) Shengping rui 昇平瑞 (Q00142_01_A): Auspicious Portents of Ascending Peace
11) Taiping leshi tici 太平樂事題詞 (Q00160_02_A): Joyous Matters in the Era of Great Peace (Inscription)
12) Tigao gebi 題糕阁筆 (Q00170_01_A): Laying Down One's Brush Out of Modesty
13) Wenshi jiaqing 文氏家慶 (Q00197_01_A): A Wen Family Celebration
14) Wanbao lüfeng 萬寶屢豐 (Q00472_01_A): The Myriad Treasures are Regularly Replenished
15) Chenmin huangong 臣民歡共 (Q00536_01_A): The Ministers and the People Revel Together
16) Hangcheng yuanye 杭城元夜 (Q00552_01_A): New Year's Eve in Hangzhou
17) Kangqu xinyuefu xu 康衢新樂府序 (Q00678_01_A): New Ballades from the Broad Avenues (Preface)