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Places (China)
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1) CG01033 - 月中仙子 (People: Generic Cast)
2) CN00679 - 月下老人 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
3) CN00682 - 銀蟾 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
4) CN00732 - 月主娘娘 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
5) CN00776 - 月天子 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
6) CN00791 - 月天子結璘 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
7) CN00916 - 嫦娥 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
8) CN00967 - 太隂元君 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
9) CN01602 - 月華仙女 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
10) MY00173 - 蟾宫 (Place: Mythical Places)
11) MY00179 - 太陰 (Place: Mythical Places)
1) Baoguang dian tianzhen zhu wanshou 寶光殿天眞祝萬壽 (M0001_01_A): The Divines Wish the Emperor Long Life at Baoguang Palace
2) Bian Dongxuan mudao shengxian 邊洞玄慕道昇仙 (M0002_01_A): Bian Dongxuan, in Pursuing the Dao, Becomes an Immortal
3) Guangchengzi zhuhe qitianshou 廣成子祝賀齊天壽 (M0007_01_A): Guang Chengzi Congratulates a Life Long Enough to Rival Heaven
4) Qing fengnian wugui nao Zhong Kui 慶豐年五鬼鬧鍾馗 (M0016_01_A): Five Ghosts Disturb Zhong Kui on a Bumper Harvest Year
5) Zheng yuban baxian guo canghai 爭玉板八仙過滄海 (M0021_01_A): Fighting for the Jade Tablet, the Eight Immortals Cross the Wide Ocean
6) Ziwei gong qinghe zhangchun jie 紫微宮慶賀長春節 (M0026_01_A): Celebrating the Festival of Everlasting Spring in the Ziwei Enclosure
7) Biyue chengxiang 璧月呈祥 (Q00010_01_A): The Jade Disk Moon Bodes Well
8) Caixian tianchang 綵線添長 (Q00012_01_A): The Rainbow Thread Grows Longer
9) Chandao chuxie 闡道除邪 (Q00014_01_C): Exorcising by Expounding the Way
10) Changsheng lu 長生籙 (Q00016_01_A): The Register of Longevity
11) Xifu tongming 錫福通明 (Q00020_01_A): Bestowing Blessings and Spreading Light
12) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A): The Sights of Guangling
13) Dangui piaoxiang 丹桂飄香 (Q00024_01_A): The Wafting Scent of Osmanthus
14) Daoli tian 忉利天 (Q00025_01_A): Trayastriṃśa
15) Dengyue jiaohui 燈月交輝 (Q00030_01_A): By the Light of the Lamps and the Moon
16) Dengyue jiaohui 燈月交輝 (Q00030_01_B): By the Light of the Lamps and the Moon
17) Qingshou wannian 慶壽萬年 (Q00042_02_A): A Birthday Celebration for Ten Thousand Years
18) Shouzhu wannian 壽祝萬年 (Q00042_03_A): Birthday Wishes for Ten Thousand Years
19) Fushou yannian 福壽延年 (Q00048_01_A): Fortune and Longevity Bring a New Lease of Life
20) Geling danlu 葛嶺丹爐 (Q00052_01_C): Making Elixirs on Ge Hong's Peak
21) Haiyu ge'en 海宇歌恩 (Q00056_01_A): All the Nation Sings its Blessings
22) Haiyu ge'en 海宇歌恩 (Q00056_01_C): All the Nation Sings its Blessings
23) Haiyu ge'en 海宇歌恩 (Q00056_01_D): All the Nation Sings its Blessings
24) Hongsi xieji 紅絲協吉 (Q00063_01_A): Red Twine Augurs Well
25) Hongxi riyong 鴻禧日永 (Q00065_01_A): Long Days of Swan Blessings
26) Huajia tiankai 花甲天開 (Q00066_01_A): An Unusual Sexagenary Cycle
27) Hui changong 會蟾宮 (Q00071_01_A): A Congregation in the Palace of the Moon
28) Hunyuan he 混元盒 (Q00072_01_A): The Casket of Primoridial Chaos
29) Jingxing xieqing 景星協慶 (Q00078_01_A): The Auspicious Stars Celebrate Together
30) Jingxing xieqing 景星協慶 (Q00078_01_B): The Auspicious Stars Celebrate Together
31) Jinting zoushi 金庭奏事 (Q00079_01_A): Addressing the Emperor at the Golden Court
32) Kangqu le 康衢樂 (Q00085_01_A): Joy on Broad Avenues
33) Nichang xianwu 霓裳獻舞 (Q00107_01_A): A Dance in Glowing Dresses
34) Qiyao hui dongyuan 七曜會東垣 (Q00117_01_A): A Meeting of the Seven Luminaries at the Eastern Wall
35) Qunxian zhushou 羣仙祝壽 (Q00120_01_A): The Many Immortals Give Birthday Wishes
36) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
37) Shangyuan chengying da wudengqu 上元承應大舞燈曲 (Q00136_01_A): A Lantern Dance to Usher in the Lantern Festival
38) Shengping rui 昇平瑞 (Q00142_01_A): Auspicious Portents of Ascending Peace
39) Shoushan fuhai 壽山福海 (Q00151_01_A): The Mountain of Longevity and the Ocean of Good Fortune
40) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00163_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
41) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival
42) Wanjuan langhuan 萬卷嫏環 (Q00183_01_B): The Celestial Library
43) Wuyun long beique 五雲籠北闕 (Q00200_01_A): Five Clouds Envelop the North Gate
44) Yujia yanle 漁家言樂 (Q00221_01_A): The Fishermen Express their Joy
45) Yuting jifu 虞庭集福 (Q00224_01_A): Abundant Blessings upon the Court of Yu
46) Jinxian zouyue 金仙奏樂 (Q00225_01_A): The Golden Immortals Play Music
47) Zigu zhanfu 紫姑占福 (Q00236_01_A): Zigu Promises Good Fortune
48) Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_C): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
49) Jixing xieqing 吉星叶慶 (Q00410_01_A): A Celebration Beneath Auspicious Stars
50) Wanshou wujiang 萬壽無疆 (Q00412_01_A): Everlasting Life
51) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00425_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
52) Wanguo songhu 萬國嵩呼 (Q00425_02_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Thrice Hail the Emperor
53) Mingren mobao 名人墨寶 (Q00455_01_A): Treasured Epigraphy from Famous People
54) Wanfu chaotian 萬福朝天 (Q00474_01_A): Myriad Fortunes Directed at Heaven
55) Wangmu chengqing 王母稱慶 (Q00520_01_A): The Queen Mother Expresses Congratulations
56) Shouyan chengqing 壽筵稱慶 (Q00523_01_A): Expressing Congratulations at a Birthday Banquet
57) Cuihua xian 萃花仙 (Q00524_01_A): A Gathering of Flower Immortals
58) Baihua qingshou 百花慶壽 (Q00528_01_A): A Hundred Flowers Celebrate the Imperial Birthday
59) Baman jinbao 八蠻進寶 (Q00531_01_A): The Eight Barbarians Offer Tribute
60) Wandeng zouqiao 玩燈走橋 (Q00542_01_A): Admiring the Lanterns on the Bridge
61) Dengmen cisui 登門辭歲 (Q00590_01_A): Paying a Visit to See Out the Year
62) Tuxiang enrong 圖像恩榮 (Q00593_01_A): Honoured with a Portrait