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Mythical Places
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Places (China)
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1) ZH00085 - 伊犂 (Place: Places (China))
2) ZH00086 - 河西 (Place: Places (China))
3) ZH00087 - 西州市 (Place: Places (China))
4) ZH00088 - 西藏 (Place: Places (China))
5) ZH00089 - 空同山 (Place: Places (China))
6) ZH00090 - 酒泉 (Place: Places (China))
7) ZH00091 - 新疆 (Place: Places (China))
8) ZH00092 - 寧夏 (Place: Places (China))
9) ZH00093 - 受降城 (Place: Places (China))
10) ZH00094 - 長城 (Place: Places (China))
11) ZH00095 - 紫塞 (Place: Places (China))
12) ZH00321 - 隴西 (Place: Places (China))
13) ZH00328 - 西涼 (Place: Places (China))
14) ZH00333 - 甘谷 (Place: Places (China))
15) ZH00338 - 天山 (Place: Places (China))
16) ZH00347 - 隴首 (Place: Places (China))
17) ZH00374 - 梁國 (Place: Places (China))
18) ZH00395 - 張掖 (Place: Places (China))
19) ZH00396 - 寕夏 (Place: Places (China))
1) Gan tiandi qunxian chaosheng 感天地羣仙朝聖 (M0005_01_A): The Myriad Immortals, Inspired by Heaven and Earth, Pay Homage to the Emperor
2) Guangchengzi zhuhe qitianshou 廣成子祝賀齊天壽 (M0007_01_A): Guang Chengzi Congratulates a Life Long Enough to Rival Heaven
3) Li Yunqing dewu shengzhen 李雲𡖖得悟昇眞 (M0012_01_A): Li Yunqing has an Awakening and Becomes a Divine
4) Qing dongzhi gongxiang taipingyan 慶冬至共享太平宴 (M0014_01_A): Celebrating the Winter Solstice, Enjoying a Peace Banquet Together
5) Shi zhenren sisheng suo baiyuan 時真人四聖鎖白猿 (M0017_01_A): Adept Shi and the Four Sages Imprison the White Ape
6) Zhu shengshou wanguo laichao 祝聖壽萬國來朝 (M0025_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Myriad Kingdoms Come to Court
7) Bafang xianghua 八方向化 (Q00001_01_A): All Quarters of the World Turn Towards Civilization
8) Baifu pianzhen 百福駢臻 (Q00002_01_A): All the Fortunes Arrive at Once
9) Bailing xiaorui 百靈效瑞 (Q00004_01_A): All the Spirits Bring Good Fortune
10) Bailing xiaorui 百靈效瑞 (Q00004_01_C): All the Spirits Bring Good Fortune
11) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_A): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
12) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_B): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
13) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_D): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
14) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_E): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
15) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_F): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
16) Bayi wu Yuting 八佾舞虞庭 (Q00008_01_G): The Eight Row Dance in the Court of Yu
17) Chuntai xieqing 春臺叶慶 (Q00019_01_A): A Celebration Together on the Spring Terrace
18) Daoli tian 忉利天 (Q00025_01_A): Trayastriṃśa
19) Jiaobai tusu 椒柏屠蘓 (Q00075_01_A): Liquor at New Year
20) Jiazi tu 甲子圖 (Q00076_01_A): The Chart of the Sexagenary Cycle
21) Guadie mianchang 瓜瓞綿長 (Q00128_01_A): An Unbroken Family Line
22) Guadie mianmian 瓜瓞緜綿 (Q00128_02_A): A Continuous Family Line
23) Sihai qingning 四海清寧 (Q00155_01_A): Tranquil Peace over the Four Seas
24) Wanguo tihang 萬國梯航 (Q00179_01_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Cross Mountains and Seas
25) Wanguo tihang 萬國梯航 (Q00179_01_B): The Myriad Kingdoms Cross Mountains and Seas
26) Wanjuan langhuan 萬卷嫏環 (Q00183_01_A): The Celestial Library
27) Wanjuan langhuan 萬卷嫏環 (Q00183_01_B): The Celestial Library
28) Wanshou changsheng 萬壽長生 (Q00190_01_A): Long Life for Ten Thousand Years
29) Zhuxian zhugu 諸仙祝嘏 (Q00323_01_A): All the Immortals Present their Birthday Wishes
30) Zhuxian zhugu 諸仙祝嘏 (Q00323_01_B): All the Immortals Present their Birthday Wishes
31) Zhuxian zhugu 諸仙祝嘏 (Q00323_01_E): All the Immortals Present their Birthday Wishes
32) Tianbao jiuru 天保九如 (Q00414_01_A): May Heaven Grant the Emperor Long Life
33) Taiping wanghui 太平王會 (Q00425_01_A): A Meeting of Kings in an Era of Great Peace
34) Wanguo songhu 萬國嵩呼 (Q00425_02_A): The Myriad Kingdoms Thrice Hail the Emperor
35) Wanwu fengyi 萬舞鳳儀 (Q00484_01_A): The Dance of the Many Phoenixs
36) Yidi chengtu 益地呈圖 (Q00511_01_A): Presenting a Map of the New Territories
37) Sanyuan cifu 三元賜福 (Q00544_01_A): The Three Elements Bring Good Fortune
38) Yanqing zhanli 延慶瞻禮 (Q00550_01_A): Paying Respects at the Banquet Celebration
39) Shengshi xianhua 聖師顯化 (Q00557_01_A): The Manifestations of Sage Masters
40) Qixian shangxue 七賢賞雪 (Q00569_01_A): The Seven Sages Admire the Snow