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Mythical Places
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Places (China)
Stage Objects
1) SO00064 - 仙桃 (Object: Stage Objects)
2) SO00069 - 仙酒 (Object: Stage Objects)
3) SO00128 - 夀桃 (Object: Stage Objects)
4) SO00288 - 火枣 (Object: Stage Objects)
5) SO00333 - 瑶池珎饌 (Object: Stage Objects)
6) SO00385 - 碧藕 (Object: Stage Objects)
7) SO00545 - 蟠桃 (Object: Stage Objects)
8) SO00788 - 蟾桃 (Object: Stage Objects)
9) SO01079 - 仙查 (Object: Stage Objects)
10) SO01080 - 仙醖 (Object: Stage Objects)
1) Li Yunqing dewu shengzhen 李雲𡖖得悟昇眞 (M0012_01_A): Li Yunqing has an Awakening and Becomes a Divine
2) Qing qianqiu Jinmu he yannian 慶千秋金母賀延年 (M0015_01_A): Celebrating the Imperial Birthday, the Golden Mother Congratulates a Life Extended
3) Zhong tianxian qinghe changsheng hui 衆天仙慶賀長生會 (M0022_01_A): The Many Immortals of Heaven Celebrate a Birthday
4) Zhu shengshou Jinmu xian pantao 祝聖壽金母獻蟠桃 (M0024_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, Jinmu Presents a Coiled Peach
5) Ziwei gong qinghe zhangchun jie 紫微宮慶賀長春節 (M0026_01_A): Celebrating the Festival of Everlasting Spring in the Ziwei Enclosure
6) Hesongshen lingzhi qingshou 河嵩神靈芝慶壽 (M0106_01_A): The Deities of the Great River and Song Mountain Celebrate a Birthday with Sacred Ganoderma
7) Bi shou tu 比壽圖 (Q00009_01_A): The Immortals Vie for Seniority
8) Qingshou wannian 慶壽萬年 (Q00042_02_A): A Birthday Celebration for Ten Thousand Years
9) Shouzhu wannian 壽祝萬年 (Q00042_03_A): Birthday Wishes for Ten Thousand Years
10) Fulu tianchang 福祿天長 (Q00043_01_A): Everlasting Fortune and Prosperity
11) Fulushou 福祿壽 (Q00044_01_E): Fortune, Prosperity, and Longevity
12) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_A): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
13) Shengping yasong 昇平雅頌 (Q00143_01_B): Odes and Hymns of Ascending Peace
14) Shiwei shoulu 式圍受祿 (Q00149_01_A): The Whole Empire is Recompensed
15) Shuang fushou 雙福壽 (Q00153_01_A): A Birthday of Dual Fortune
16) Wanshou pantao 萬壽蟠桃 (Q00191_01_A): The Coiled Peach of Eternal Life
17) Xianyun yanling 仙醖延齡 (Q00201_01_A): Divine Liquor Lengthens Life
18) Xianyun yanling 仙醖延齡 (Q00201_01_C): Divine Liquor Lengthens Life
19) Yingbo qingyan 瀛波清晏 (Q00215_01_A): The Sea Waves are Clear and Calm
20) Yingbo qingyan 瀛波清晏 (Q00215_01_C): The Sea Waves are Clear and Calm
21) Wanfang renshou 萬方仁壽 (Q00363_01_A): Benevolence and Longevity Far and Wide
22) Wanfang renshou 萬方仁壽 (Q00363_01_B): Benevolence and Longevity Far and Wide
23) Nanxing gongzhao 南星拱照 (Q00366_01_A): A Shining Vault of Stars in the South
24) Tianren puqing 天人普慶 (Q00506_01_A): Heaven and Man Rejoice Together
25) Daoguan jiahua 道觀佳話 (Q00563_01_A): A Famous Tale from a Daoist Temple