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Stage Objects
1) SO00026 - 雙髽髻陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
2) SO00038 - 三髮髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
3) SO00039 - 三鬚 (Object: Stage Objects)
4) SO00044 - 丫髻 (Object: Stage Objects)
5) SO00077 - 僧陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
6) SO00219 - 撒髮陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
7) SO00220 - 撒髮陀頭抹額 (Object: Stage Objects)
8) SO00232 - 旋螺陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
9) SO00268 - 𣗳枝陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
10) SO00310 - 猛髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
11) SO00356 - 白陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
12) SO00358 - 白飛鬚 (Object: Stage Objects)
13) SO00359 - 白髪 (Object: Stage Objects)
14) SO00360 - 白髮陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
15) SO00361 - 白髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
16) SO00362 - 白鬚 (Object: Stage Objects)
17) SO00366 - 皓髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
18) SO00377 - 短白鬚 (Object: Stage Objects)
19) SO00379 - 短鬚 (Object: Stage Objects)
20) SO00426 - 紅纒髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
21) SO00433 - 紅髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
22) SO00434 - 紅髮笄角 (Object: Stage Objects)
23) SO00435 - 紅髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
24) SO00523 - 蒼白髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
25) SO00539 - 蛟陀頭抹額 (Object: Stage Objects)
26) SO00575 - 赤髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
27) SO00641 - 陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
28) SO00642 - 陀頭抹額 (Object: Stage Objects)
29) SO00649 - 雙髻鬅髮陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
30) SO00650 - 雜髮陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
31) SO00651 - 𩀱髻陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
32) SO00665 - 青冲髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
33) SO00670 - 青髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
34) SO00671 - 青髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
35) SO00691 - 髽髻陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
36) SO00692 - 鬅髪陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
37) SO00693 - 鬅髮金箍陀頭 (Object: Stage Objects)
38) SO00694 - 鬅髮陀頭抹額 (Object: Stage Objects)
39) SO00717 - 黃髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
40) SO00718 - 黃髮頭陀 (Object: Stage Objects)
41) SO00719 - 黃髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
42) SO00727 - 黑冲髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
43) SO00730 - 黑髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
44) SO00731 - 黑髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
45) SO00732 - 黑鬚 (Object: Stage Objects)
46) SO00761 - 三色線髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
47) SO00773 - 竪髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
48) SO00798 - 八色竪髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
49) SO00825 - 老君髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
50) SO00831 - 雷公髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
51) SO00834 - 九天髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
52) SO00866 - 三髭髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
53) SO00892 - 線髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
54) SO00942 - 本方向色孩兒髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
55) SO01025 - 髯氊笠 (Object: Stage Objects)
56) SO01257 - 鬏髻 (Object: Stage Objects)
57) SO01363 - 頭陀髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
58) SO01409 - 頭陀 (Object: Stage Objects)
59) SO01493 - 𡸁髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
60) SO01514 - 鳳髻 (Object: Stage Objects)
61) SO01518 - 紅鬚 (Object: Stage Objects)
62) SO01546 - 陀頭髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
63) SO01582 - 佛眉髯 (Object: Stage Objects)
64) SO01589 - 善才髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
65) SO01640 - 竈君髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
66) SO01649 - 鬼髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
67) SO01728 - 五色線髮 (Object: Stage Objects)
1) Baoguang dian tianzhen zhu wanshou 寶光殿天眞祝萬壽 (M0001_01_A): The Divines Wish the Emperor Long Life at Baoguang Palace
2) Bian Dongxuan mudao shengxian 邊洞玄慕道昇仙 (M0002_01_A): Bian Dongxuan, in Pursuing the Dao, Becomes an Immortal
3) Erlangshen suo Qitiandasheng 二郎神鎖齊天大聖 (M0003_01_A): Yang Jian Locks up the Monkey King
4) Feng tianming Sanbao xia xiyang 奉天命三保下西洋 (M0004_01_A): By Imperial Command, Zheng Sanbao Sets Sail for the Western Oceans
5) Gan tiandi qunxian chaosheng 感天地羣仙朝聖 (M0005_01_A): The Myriad Immortals, Inspired by Heaven and Earth, Pay Homage to the Emperor
6) Guankou erlang zhan jianjiao 灌口二郎斬健蛟 (M0006_01_A): Yang Jian Beheads the Robust Water Dragon
7) Guangchengzi zhuhe qitianshou 廣成子祝賀齊天壽 (M0007_01_A): Guang Chengzi Congratulates a Life Long Enough to Rival Heaven
8) He shengping qunxian zhushou 賀昇平羣仙祝壽 (M0008_01_A): In Celebration of Ascendant Peace, the Many Immortals Offer their Birthday Greetings
9) He wanshou wulong chaosheng 賀萬壽五龍朝聖 (M0009_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, the Five Dragons Pay Homage to the Emperor
10) Huangmei weng cifu shang yannian 黃眉翁賜福上延年 (M0010_01_A): The Yellow Browed Elder Grants Good Fortune and Longevity
11) Li Yunqing dewu shengzhen 李雲𡖖得悟昇眞 (M0012_01_A): Li Yunqing has an Awakening and Becomes a Divine
12) Lü Chunyang dianhua du huanglong 呂純陽點化度黃龍 (M0013_01_A): Lü Chunyang tames the Yellow Dragon
13) Qing dongzhi gongxiang taipingyan 慶冬至共享太平宴 (M0014_01_A): Celebrating the Winter Solstice, Enjoying a Peace Banquet Together
14) Qing qianqiu Jinmu he yannian 慶千秋金母賀延年 (M0015_01_A): Celebrating the Imperial Birthday, the Golden Mother Congratulates a Life Extended
15) Qing fengnian wugui nao Zhong Kui 慶豐年五鬼鬧鍾馗 (M0016_01_A): Five Ghosts Disturb Zhong Kui on a Bumper Harvest Year
16) Zheng yuban baxian guo canghai 爭玉板八仙過滄海 (M0021_01_A): Fighting for the Jade Tablet, the Eight Immortals Cross the Wide Ocean
17) Zhong tianxian qinghe changsheng hui 衆天仙慶賀長生會 (M0022_01_A): The Many Immortals of Heaven Celebrate a Birthday
18) Zhu shengshou Jinmu xian pantao 祝聖壽金母獻蟠桃 (M0024_01_A): To Celebrate the Imperial Birthday, Jinmu Presents a Coiled Peach
19) Zhuge Liang Bowang shaotun 諸葛亮博望燒屯 (M0036_01_A): Zhuge Liang Burns his Base at Bowang
20) Liu Xuande dufu Xiangyang hui 劉玄徳獨赴襄陽會 (M0070_01_A): Liu Xuande attends the Banquet at Xiangyang Alone
21) Zhong qunxian qingshang pantaohui 衆羣仙慶賞蟠桃會 (M0104_01_A): The Many Immortals Celebrate at the Coiled Peach Banquet
22) Bi shou tu 比壽圖 (Q00009_01_A): The Immortals Vie for Seniority
23) Changsheng lu 長生籙 (Q00016_01_A): The Register of Longevity
24) Guangling shengji 廣陵勝蹟 (Q00022_01_A): The Sights of Guangling
25) Daoli tian 忉利天 (Q00025_01_A): Trayastriṃśa
26) Kangqu le 康衢樂 (Q00085_01_A): Joy on Broad Avenues
27) Qinghu jiahua 青湖佳話 (Q00112_01_A): Anecdotes about Qinghu
28) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
29) Shengping jiqing 昇平集慶 (Q00141_01_A): Gathering to Celebrate Ascending Peace
30) Shengping rui 昇平瑞 (Q00142_01_A): Auspicious Portents of Ascending Peace
31) Shiwei shoulu 式圍受祿 (Q00149_01_A): The Whole Empire is Recompensed
32) Yuanchen zhaorui 元辰肇瑞 (Q00219_01_A): The Auspicious Beginning of a New Year
33) Yuanri huanji 元日歡集 (Q00220_01_A): A Celebratory Gathering on New Year's Day
34) Quanshan jinke Book 6, juan 2, act 21 勸善金科第十本卷下第二十一齣 (Q00237_01_D): The Law of Doing Good
35) Shengping baofa 昇平寶筏 (Q00238_01_C): The Precious Raft of Ascending Peace
36) Tongsou huanying 童叟歡迎 (Q00367_01_A): Welcomed by Boys and Old Men
37) Baihe xinchun 拜賀新春 (Q00390_01_A): Congratulating the New Spring
38) Wenren bogu 文人博古 (Q00391_01_A): The Broad Learning of Literati
39) Sanwei ganying 三微感應 (Q00394_01_A): All the World Responds
40) Liesu guanghui 列宿光輝 (Q00395_01_A): The Constellations Shine
41) Changyin tusu 暢飲屠蘇 (Q00399_01_A): Quaffing Wine
42) Linzhi chengxiang 麟趾呈祥 (Q00401_01_A): A Unicorn's Foot Bodes Well
43) Zhaitan fuxiang 齋壇赴享 (Q00402_01_A): Abundance at the Altar
44) Lingbu bafeng 令布八風 (Q00404_01_A): Unleashing the Eight Winds
45) Suyun zhaocai 素雲昭彩 (Q00406_01_A): Three Coloured Clouds Illuminated with Iridescence
46) Mingren mobao 名人墨寶 (Q00455_01_A): Treasured Epigraphy from Famous People
47) Wanwu fengyi 萬舞鳳儀 (Q00484_01_A): The Dance of the Many Phoenixs
48) Fuxi youtong 福喜攸同 (Q00537_01_A): Fortune and Joy
49) Shangguo guanguang 上國觀光 (Q00539_01_A): Seeing the Sights of the Capital
50) Taiyi ganying 太乙感應 (Q00540_01_A): Taiyi Acts
51) Wuzu jiangshen 五祖降神 (Q00546_01_A): The Fifth Patriarch Brings the Gods to Heel
52) Yanqing zhanli 延慶瞻禮 (Q00550_01_A): Paying Respects at the Banquet Celebration
53) Hejia pianxian 鶴駕蹁躚 (Q00560_01_A): Taking Flight upon Crane Carriages
54) Daoguan jiahua 道觀佳話 (Q00563_01_A): A Famous Tale from a Daoist Temple
55) Ruixue mankong 瑞雪漫空 (Q00570_01_A): Auspicious Snow Blankets the Sky
56) Renxiao shenqin 仁孝神欽 (Q00574_01_A): The Gods Respect Kindness and Benevolence
57) Dongchu xifu 東廚錫福 (Q00575_01_A): The Kitchen God Extends Good Fortune
58) Zaojun chuanyu 竈君傳諭 (Q00576_01_A): An Edict from the Kitchen God
59) Zangshen xiansheng 藏神顯聖 (Q00578_01_A): The Hidden Gods Bring Forth a Sage
60) Luwei qifeng 祿位齊豐 (Q00579_01_A): A Bounteous Salary and a High Position
61) Baxian qingsui 八仙慶歲 (Q00580_01_A): The Eight Immortals Celebrate the New Year
62) Daji yingchun 大吉迎春 (Q00581_01_A): An Auspicious Start to the Spring
63) Caiyuan guangbu 財源廣布 (Q00582_01_A): Sources of Wealth Abound Far and Wide
64) Dadi shengchun 大地生春 (Q00583_01_A): Spring Blossoms over the Great Earth
65) Chusui yanhuan 除歲言歡 (Q00587_01_A): Expressing Joy at New Year
66) Wugu fengdeng 五穀豐登 (Q00591_01_A): A Bumper Harvest of the Five Grains
67) Dianting qusui 殿庭驅祟 (Q00592_01_A): Expelling Demons from the Court
68) Tuxiang enrong 圖像恩榮 (Q00593_01_A): Honoured with a Portrait
69) Qinghe chuxi 慶賀除夕 (Q00596_01_A): Celebrating New Year's Eve
70) Shenwei jingmeng 神威警夢 (Q00598_01_A): A God's Power Delivers a Cautionary Dream
71) Mengzheng jizao 蒙正祭竃 (Q00681_01_A): Lü Mengzheng makes an Offering to the Stove God