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Places (China)
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1) CG00218 - 儒生 (People: Generic Cast)
2) CG00262 - 武生 (People: Generic Cast)
3) CG00263 - 禮生 (People: Generic Cast)
4) CG00313 - 秀才 (People: Generic Cast)
5) CG00324 - 進士 (People: Generic Cast)
6) CG00374 - 狀元 (People: Generic Cast)
7) CG00379 - 老少舉子 (People: Generic Cast)
8) CG00380 - 舉子 (People: Generic Cast)
9) CG00404 - 書生 (People: Generic Cast)
10) CG00408 - 女學士 (People: Generic Cast)
11) CG00409 - 學士 (People: Generic Cast)
12) CG00481 - 老儒 (People: Generic Cast)
13) CN00142 - 張鳳翼 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
14) CN01778 - 畢世長 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
15) CN01779 - 朱貫 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
16) CN01801 - 邵雍 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
17) CN01982 - 程頤 (People: Non-Generic Cast)
1) Bafang xianghua 八方向化 (Q00001_01_A): All Quarters of the World Turn Towards Civilization
2) Daoli tian 忉利天 (Q00025_01_A): Trayastriṃśa
3) Dengyue jiaohui 燈月交輝 (Q00030_01_A): By the Light of the Lamps and the Moon
4) Dengyue jiaohui 燈月交輝 (Q00030_01_B): By the Light of the Lamps and the Moon
5) Huanyu xianning 寰宇咸寧 (Q00068_01_A): All in the World is at Peace
6) Jichou wufu 箕疇五福 (Q00077_01_A): The Nine Laws and Five Blessings
7) Jinwu kanjian 金吾勘箭 (Q00080_01_A): Jinwu Conducts the Arrow Ritual
8) Kangqu le 康衢樂 (Q00085_01_A): Joy on Broad Avenues
9) Nanshan guimei 南山歸妹 (Q00105_01_A): A Maiden Weds on the Southern Mountain
10) Wanshou wujiang shengping yuefu 萬壽無疆昇平樂府 (Q00127_01_A): A Ballade on Ascending Peace for an Everlasting Life
11) Taipu chenyi 太僕陳儀 (Q00166_01_A): The Palace Coachmen Presents Gifts
12) Tianxiang qingjie 天香慶節 (Q00168_01_B): Heavenly Fragrance Permeates the Celebratory Festival
13) Wanfu youtong 萬福攸同 (Q00175_01_C): Good Fortune Ten Thousand Times
14) Wanshou tu 萬壽圖 (Q00193_01_A): A Birthday Portrait
15) Yingzhou jiahua 瀛洲佳話 (Q00217_01_A): Anecdotes from Yingzhou
16) Zhuixu Mianshan 追叙綿山 (Q00235_01_A): Remembering Mianshan
17) Gaohuai yishui 髙懷沂水 (Q00319_01_A): Contemplating the Waters of Yi from a Height
18) Wenming yinghou 文明應候 (Q00356_01_A): The Timely Arrival of Civilisation
19) Yunshi yanshu 雲師衍數 (Q00360_01_A): The Cloud Master Performs his Calculations
20) Yunshi shu 雲師數 (Q00360_01_B): The Cloud Master Performs his Calculations
21) Baihe xinchun 拜賀新春 (Q00390_01_A): Congratulating the New Spring
22) Wenren bogu 文人博古 (Q00391_01_A): The Broad Learning of Literati
23) Qirui xiangtan 奇瑞相談 (Q00407_01_A): A Conversation about the Strange and Auspicious
24) Baman jinbao 八蠻進寶 (Q00531_01_A): The Eight Barbarians Offer Tribute
25) Jinwu chijin 金吾弛禁 (Q00538_01_A): The Release of Jinwu
26) Shangguo guanguang 上國觀光 (Q00539_01_A): Seeing the Sights of the Capital
27) Cainü chuqi 才女出奇 (Q00553_01_A): A Gifted Lady Displays her Talents
28) Dengmen cisui 登門辭歲 (Q00590_01_A): Paying a Visit to See Out the Year
29) Wugu fengdeng 五穀豐登 (Q00591_01_A): A Bumper Harvest of the Five Grains
30) Qinghe chuxi 慶賀除夕 (Q00596_01_A): Celebrating New Year's Eve
31) Siwen yadiao 斯文雅調 (Q00597_01_A): Polite Prose and Refined Music