This public lecture will be conducted in Chinese and in-person only. All are welcome.
Date: 22 May 2023 (Monday) 11:00-13:00
Kin-ku Cheng Lecture Theatre, University of Oxford China Centre
金文京教授為京都大學名譽教授,並曾任教於慶應義塾大學文學部、京都大學人文科學研究所及鶴見大學日本文學科。金教授乃中、日、韓文學傳統的專家,多年的研究涵蓋中國小說戲曲及漢文等領域。著有《漢文と東アジア―訓読の文化圏 》(Literary Sinitic and East Asia: A Cultural Sphere of Vernacular Reading / 《漢文與東亞世界:從東亞視角重新認識漢字文化圈》)、《至正條格校註本》、《元刊雜劇の研究》、《三国志の世界》等。
[English version]
As is known, vernacular fiction is the representative literary genre of Ming China (1368-1644). Ming vernacular fiction was swiftly transmitted to neighbouring nations such as Vietnam, Joseon and Japan, gaining widespread popularity and thus became highly influential. At present, both Japan and Korea has preserved a large amount of fiction in Ming editions, many of those being rare copies long lost in China. Hence it is no exaggeration to say that studying Ming fiction is impossible without resources from Japan and Korea. This lecture will introduce the main editions of representational Ming works such as The Romance of Three Kingdoms, The Water Margin, and Journey to the West collected in Japan and Korea, as well as the challenges faced by relevant academic institutions in present days.
About the speaker:
Professor Kin Bunkyō is Professor emeritus of Kyoto University. He has taught in Keiō University, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and Tsurumi University. Professor Kin is an expert in Chinese, Japanese and Korean literary traditions, with his decades of research covering a range of themes from Chinese fiction and drama to Literary Sinitic. His publications include Kanbun to higashi ajia: Kundoku no bunkaken 漢文と東アジア—訓読の文化圏 (Literary Sinitic and East Asia: A Cultural Sphere of Vernacular Reading, trans. Ross King, Brill, 2021), Genkan zatsugeki no kenkyū 元刊雜劇の研究, Sangokushi no sekai 三国志の世界 etc.